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Understanding just how much effort, time and patience it takes to be a girlfriend, fiancee' or wife where in the equation is it time for us. If we put the same amount of energy we use to chase a man into chasing our dreams we wouldn't be so far off track. Having a desire should not come with the price of losing ourselves in the process.

We give up our dreams, goals, ambition, drive etc just to settle to be everything a man wants and needs while forgetting who we are. Why not settle down once you have achieved all your goals. A man should be last to everything in our lives if he is not by our side to help us succeed. We get so caught up in distractions that we postpone our dreams just to get lost in a short lived fantasy. We can be at the top of our game having beauty, success, money, etc just to get tied to the wrong man and end up overweight, broke, stressed out, losing all we gained, poor credit, debt, hair falling out, health issues, broken hearted etc. All he will see is the ending result of how we let ourselves go and leave us for someone else versus seeing us for who we were when he met us and we helped him.

It is not our job to make someone see our value. Never stop caring for yourself just because you have someone. Be the same successful, beautiful, motivated, determined woman you was before meeting your dream guy and losing sight of who you were. Many times we forget what we need because of what we need and are doomed every time. When a man stops doing you should not start overdoing.

When you both have reciprocity and equality there is an even exchange of give and take. You won't ever feel less than because you both are giving equal parts to the relationship. Whenever one person have to carry on the weight for both parties it becomes more stressful. Understanding how to only be yourself without  trying to be both the masculine and feminine will be beneficial for your growth. When things are not going in the direction you anticipated leave and never try to stick around once you know things are going down hill. When we give too many chances we begin to question ourselves and doubt who we are as a woman.

Prayer and meditation works wonders for your spiritual being as it will help you better understand yourself so that you won't be quick to tolerate any type of mistreatment. Love yourself above all else. When we don't see the value in ourselves it's hard for others to see it as well. Some things won't happen overnight but with daily affirmations, faith and meditation you can get to where you need to be quickly. When you decide to make the decision to be better and work on yourself take all the time needed until you reach the level desired for yourself. It can seem as though we are ready to do things and can easily get tangled back up in a web of deception.

When you find yourself back in a bad situation don't beat yourself up. Understand that all great things take time and you are only human. Take a step back and realize that you may have moved too fast. Access the situation and see what mistakes you made so that you can only get better with time. Never allow anyone to make the decision for you. You will know when you are ready so only go at your own pace. Ask yourself hard questions as well. Understand completely why you desire to be in a relationship. What are the benefits?. Are you completely happy alone before you want to allow someone in your world?. Have you accomplished most of your goals?. Do you want a man just to have someone or do you just want a partner to share your life with?.

Don't ever be with someone because you feel a sense of loneliness or lack. When you are operating out of lust you can easily get caught back into everything you built yourself up to avoid. Set standards and stand in your truth. Don't ever be who you are not just to please someone else who would not change for you. Always think equality so you can avoid unevenness. Love yourself, know yourself and be yourself at all costs.


1. I am worthy.

2. I completely trust myself and listen to my intuition.

3. I love myself.

4. I am responsible.

5. I take accountability for my actions and learn from my mistakes.

6. I am enough.

7. I accept myself for who I am and not what others want me to be.

8. I trust myself and my choices.

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