"Mixed Signals/Mind games"

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Through any stage there can be the possibility of getting caught up in the vortex of mixed signals. The most susceptible women are the ones who come off too eager, exhibit signs of low self-esteem, ones who don't have a life outside of the guy, women with daddy issues etc. In the talking stages men have their antennaea open on full speed to listen to all you say just to determine what they can and can't get away with.

We know what is acceptable and what is not and anytime you have to ask many questions you already know the answer to it and need justification. We already know as women it takes time and effort to pursue an interest. We understand that constant communication, dating, spending time together etc are essential to moving forward with a man and getting anywhere and when it is not being presented it's a clear indicator of what that man wants with us.

Mistakes women make is trying to overcompensate for the lack of effort that a guy of interest is giving us. It is sad but men test us for a reason in the beginning. They are checking for areas of weakness, seeing how much you are willing to tolerate, seeing if you are easy etc. Not intending to fail we sometimes do so in hopes of impressing a man versus sticking to our standards that we have had prior to a man's entrance in our lives.

Once we let a man know we are interested and have became emotionally involved before giving him a chance to prove himself worthy in our lives, unfortunately next comes the mixed signals and mind games. It is our weaknesses that get us into this space. We don't realize what we did wrong until after we get the courage to leave after we have been heart broken.


1. Settling for a "text only" relationship that never includes talking is what we really want.

2. Believing that a man is so busy that he can go days, weeks and even months without contacting you.

3. Making excuses for dates being canceled, times he decides to take you out and inconsistent behavior.

4. Accepting bare mininum treatment that only results in us paying for everything and him nothing.

5. Initating contact and stepping into the masculine role.

6. Making excuses for why a man can never take you out in public but won't mind going to the moon and back to sleep with you.

7. Justifying why you feel as though you have to step outside of yourself to get his time, attention, and efforts.

8. Becoming the chaser gets his attention.

9. Assuming that the more you sleep with a man the more he will want you.

Men view what we allow as weaknesses as well as what they can do more to get what they want without ever having to commit or give a title. The less they have to do in order to get everything they want and more is psychological manipulation. When you choose to tolerate this behavior it only causes you to need a man's validation which is only a detriment to your self worth.

Games can't be played on women who stand in their truth and are not afraid to walk away from any less in a heart beat. Women who truly know and value themselves are a dangerous weapon to any man who thinks he can manipulate you or succeed with mixed signals. The more you like someone is the more you have to be willing to lose them without fear in order for you to be successful in maintaining a relationship. If you fear losing someone to the point that you are willing to sell your soul just to have them then you are operating at a extremely low vibration.

Get to know who you are to avoid being taken advantage of and falling victim to manipulation. Because you have been hurt please do not attempt to retaliate to prove a point. Understand that there is something inside of you that requires healing in order for you to be able to handle situations differently as you learn how to address your insecurities, deal with past hurts and move on to better.


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