"Your past pains is screaming out to you"

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In different areas of life we are faced with situations that are happening that needs our attention but we constantly ignore the warnings due how much we want something. Cycles that continously repeat over and over in our lives especially within relationships are the biggest signs of something deeper going on below the surface.

When we have been rejected or abandoned at a young age it follows us into adulthood which causes unhealthy relationships that take alot from us. Our fears are so profound that we find can even become suicidal when someone threatens to leave us. We give all our money, time, resources, energy or whatever it takes to keep a man from walking away. At this point we have become so lost that we don't recognize ourselves anymore.

The pain we feel is very deep and it is almost like you are crying from the depths of your soul as you find yourself begging, pleading and offering so much of yourself in hopes of getting someone to stay. Men know and can already tell women who have rejection issues just by how we show up early on. Getting to the root of your issues will help you lead a better life versus settling and losing yourself even more.

Understand that what has happened to you as a child is not your fault. You were innocent and didn't have the proper protection. Understanding this you will begin to see why you keep repeating cycles with the same type of man and keep failing tremedously as you lose yourself deeper. Your inner child is screaming out to get your attention because you keep hurting her and she wants to be healed. By continuing to stay in bad relationships and suffer from mistreatment is only making her feel more neglected and more unprotected.

Releasing the pain from the past means going in to heal your inner wounds. You can meditate or choose to write a letter to your inner child coming from a mature place of understanding. Let her know that you can help heal her by choosing to love yourself more and making healthier decisions in relationships. Be alone for a while so that you make sure you are not rushing and completely are healed from past wounds.

Learn how to establish healthy boundaries by saying no and not giving too much. Take the passenger seat in relationships and allow a man to pursue you if he is interested. Have equilibrium and don't be afraid to walk away the first moment you notice something is not right. Be in tune with yourself and make vow to never put yourself second again. Choose yourself first before anyone.

Stop chasing him and chase you insteadUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum