Chapter Four

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The next thing I see is a postcard from Flordia. I remember that. Mitch, Jerome, and I had signed up for an after school club in freshman year. At the end of the year, we took a two day field trip there. That was loads of fun.


"Hurry up Katie!" Jerome called to me. I made sure I had everything and hopped on the bus. We waved goodbye to the highschool and began our long~ drive.

"This is going to take a while." I muttered. Mitch had the window seat, I sat in the middle, and Jerome was on the edge.

"Um, rock paper scissors?" Jerome asked. Mitch and I shook our heads. That always fails with Jerome.

"Twenty Questions? And you have to guess what Disney Character it is?" I suggested. The other seemed up for it, so we ended up playing that for hours.


Everyone was exhausted. No one should have to ride in a bus for that long. Two. Days. The hotel the school found was pretty small, so the club was pretty much the only people there. At least it was not that far away from the beach.

"There is only fifteen of you, and eight rooms. One is for me, and the others to share. Two beds and people per room. NO SHARING BEDS. One room will have three people. Don't act up or the principal won't let us go on another trip. " The teacher listed. We looked at each other. I don't mind sharing a room with those two. We've done it a thousand times.

"Get your things ready and go to bed." The teacher said and gave keys to everyone. We rolled our luggage to the room and unlocked it. Wow. It was pretty nice. Jerome ran to the bed near the window.

"Dibs!" He shouted. Mitch motioned for me to take the other one. "No, you can have it." I insisted. We argued for a few minutes. It was decided that we switch out every night. He got it the first night.

"I'm going to change. Don't you dare open the door." I warned them. I shut the bathroom door and changed into my pajamas. The boys found extra pillows and a sheet. I fell asleep quickly.


The next day was pretty wild. We went to the beach and had the best day ever.

"Race you to the water!" Mitch yelled. Jerome, him, and I raced to the crashing waves.

"Everyone stay close together!" The teacher tried to tell us, but no one listened or cared.

"Sandcastle contest?" Mitch asked. I held up one finger and ran to the waves and got soaking wet. Then I jogged back up the beach.

"I haven't been to the beach in forever. I had to do that." I said with an awkward smile.

"OK then." Jerome muttered with a grin. We started building the biggest sandcastle, because "Why not?"

It was becoming really hot. We decided to stop and go swimming. Mitch took off of his shirt. I tried not to stare. We're just friends Katie. Just friends.


I smile. That was my favorite trip ever. I set it aside and look through the box. So many memories, not enough time.

More tears threaten to leave my eyes as I pull out our graduation photos.

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