Chapter 1

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Meliodas's POV

"Melody where did you go?" I yelled into the forest behind the tavern.

I hear her giggle from all around me, she took the game very seriously today, I continue to look for her when all of a sudden I'm on the ground, with my face in the dirt. Then I hear Melody laugh.

"HAHA!! I got you, big brother!"

I turn around to face her and roll so she is on the bottom. I give her an 'Oh really?' look, to which she just laughs at. I start to raise m arms and wiggle my finger, and she realizes what I'm about to do. "Here comes the tickle monster!"

"Ah! No!" she says as I tickle her.

"Do you surrender and admit defeat?"

"Ah!!... I surrender!!"

I stop tickling her and get off, pull her to her feet and began walking to the boar hat. I love spending time with my sister like this, but Melody misses all the sins. I miss them to don't get me wrong, but I like this quiet life I have with her.

"Big brother, how long did it take to find me this time?"

I have been training her since she first said my name and could walk, and the game we just played, well she calls it 'Hide and hunt'. I let her hide and then I hunt her, while she tries to catch me before I catch her.

"Well Mel, you beat your time from last time, by 45 minutes"

"What!? You mean it took a whole Hour!"

I nod my head, she runs up to me and gives me one of her bear hugs. I do so enjoy them. Once I had been released we walked back to the boar hat together, to get ready to open. When we get back Hawk was waiting.

"Hi, piggy!!" Melody says.

"Only you can get away with calling me that," Hawk says with a sigh.

I laugh lightly, and pick my sister up and carry her upstairs to give her a bath. "Mel-Mel! Why did you pick me up?" she asks.

"It's bath time for you"

She tries to wiggle her way out of my hold. "NO!!!"

"Melody you are covered in dirt, you need to wash up before we open."

I give her a stern look, she sighs and nods. "Okay big brother, but can I sing today?"

I smile at her and say "Only if you have a bath?"


I put her down beside the tub, start the water and make sure It's not too hot, add her bubble bath and some of her orange scented oil. "Okay hop in kiddo!"


I turn around and she gets in once she is in I turn back to her, and start picking the twigs and leaves out of her. Once I was done that I took a rag and washed her face, then gave her the soap and rag to finished. Yeah I'm her Big Brother and I'm giving her a bath, but she is my baby sister. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I become wet.

"Really Melody?"

"Sorry, I just love doing that!"

I smile and we both laugh before I say "Come here I still need to wash your hair."

Melody does as she told, and I wash her hair. Once I have her hair washed, and she is completely clean I grab a towel and pull her out and wrap her in the towel. I pick her up once again and carry her to the room we share, only because she is scared to be alone. I set her down on the bed and give her another towel to dry her hair, as I dig through the closet to find something for her to wear. When my eyes land on her favourite outfit, I pull it out and show it to her, she smiles and nods happily.

Meliodas's baby sister MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now