Chapter 5 preview

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A/N: Okay, so I am stuck as to what I should do next!

Melody's Pov

Okay, I just sang out my heart and feelings hoping it might reach King, and now Kings asking to talk privately with him. What did brother do, or say to him? I am hoping he didn't tell him... but if he did, brother you are as dead and a cooked duck! After we reach my room and I've shut the door.

"So...What did you want to talk about King?"

"First of all, please use my real name, and second that song... was it written for me?"

"Harlequin... it was... did my brother tell you?"

"Yes. He did, but I am glad he did."

Okay, brother, you're a dead duck! Wait Harlequin said he was glad?!

"What do you mean?"

"Truth be told, Melody... I've always liked you... I just covered it up by liking Diane."

"But you've always got al flustered by Diane..."

"I just said those things to fool myself, but I was thinking of you every time."

"so you like me too?"

"Yeah... I do."

The next thing he knows is I'm hugging him and he was hugging me back. But the next thing I know he pulls my head up and kisses me. I felt like fireworks were going off.

King's POV

I just have to kiss her, so I pulled her head up and kissed her. All I can feel is this burning sensation, it was amazing, it felt like my world was just upside-down. We soon broke apart for air.

Meliodas's baby sister MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now