chapter 5

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Melody's Pov

Okay, I just sang out my heart and feelings hoping it might reach King, and now Kings asking to talk privately with him. What did brother do, or say to him? I am hoping he didn't tell him... but if he did, brother you are as dead and a cooked duck! After we reach my room and I've shut the door.

"So...What did you want to talk about King?"

"First of all, please use my real name, and second that song... was it written for me?"

"Harlequin... it was... did my brother tell you?"

"Yes. He did, but I am glad he did."

Okay, brother, you're a dead duck! Wait Harlequin said he was glad?!

"What do you mean?"

"Truth be told, Melody... I've always liked you... I just covered it up by liking Diane."

"But you've always got all flustered by Diane..."

"I just said those things to fool myself, but I was thinking of you every time."

"so you like me too?"

"Yeah... I do."

The next thing he knows is I'm hugging him and he was hugging me back. But the next thing I know he pulls my head up and kisses me. I felt like fireworks were going off.

King's POV

I just have to kiss her, so I pulled her head up and kissed her. All I can feel is this burning sensation, it was amazing, it felt like my world was just upside-down. We soon broke apart for air.

"Wow..." she says breathlessly.



Oh shit! Meliodas saw that! I quickly rush out the door followed by an enraged Meliodas and a concerned Melody. I fly up high so he can't get me.


"Not when I know you're going to pound me into the ground."

"Big brother!" Melody yells.

I notice she has a bucket full of water with ice in it, and just before she dumps it on him he turns around. After that Melody through the bucket at his head, which hit him dead on.

"You will calm down, and you will not hurt King!"

"OW! Melody!"

"No big brother! I like him so NO hurting him! GOT IT!"

"I got it."

Captain says, well more like grumbles and walks away. While Ban and Diane are in absolute shock at what had just occurred. I, on the other hand, was grateful, to have not been pounded into the ground. I flew back down to where Melody stood and kissed her cheek, in thanks, after which she promptly turned a cherry red colour, and pass out.

"Nice going king! She fainted!"

"Shut up Ban!"

I pick her up and carry her up to her room.

Meliodas's POV

I can't believe King! Or Melody for that matter! She dumped ice-cold water on me and then through the bucket at my face, which hit me bang on! After that happened I walked away into the woods to blow off some steam. So here I away in the middle of the woods beating up a defenceless tree... well until it broke.

"Stupid King... gaining Melody's attention... making her grow up."

I say in-between sobs. I don't want my sister, my baby sister to grow up! I don't want her to forget about me! And I don't want her to leave me!

~time skip~

After some time Alone to process things I head back to the tavern. Once there I find Melody up on the stage again, as soon as she sees me she starts to play the song she wrote for us.

When we were finished singing, Melody ran up only to me and knocked me down in a hug.

"Brother I will always be your little sister, but you can't always hurt others to protect me."

I sigh, "I know Melody, I know."

I hug her and she smiles and bounces off to sit next to King after I let go. I guess I was worried for nothing, Melody will always need me in some way. Soon everyone was partying, when King asked us, 

"So you three, what happened to your sacred  treasures?"

"I lost mine."

"I sold mine."



Melody's POV

When Harlequin asked the other three where their sacred treasures were, he started to freak out.


"I needed the money for the bar."


"When I was locked up..."

He turns and Diane and glares, while she pulls the pouty about to cry face and says, 

"Am...Am I a bad girl?"

King stops and says, "NO! If you lost it there is nothing you could do."

Then he turns to me and asks, "Melody, what about yours?"

I reach down into my left boot and pull out my sacred treasure, the wild rose dagger.

"Still have it, deary." 

Harlequin blushes after I call him 'Deary', but nods his anyway. He continues to speak to the others while I slip away. I walk far enough away from everyone so the can't see me, and I pull out my mirror to the demon world and call up Zeldris and Estarossa.

Meliodas's baby sister MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now