first day, first blackeye

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hanniera added 12 people in the groupchat.

hanniera named the groupchat Dorm 17.

hanniera: hello everyone (:

mingsalt: whomst the fuck

sunshineseok: oohh !! hello !!

soonshine: HELLO

sunshineseok: soonie hyung !!


sunshineseok: SOONIIEEEEEEEE


thiccass: jeonghan i don't think this is a good idea

hanniera: wym this is an amazing idea

mingsalt: eh no imma agree w thiccass here

mingsalt: this a shit idea

mingsalt: ion even kno who yall are

hanniera: will be explained in time (:

soonshine: brb imma buy food

wonwoo: I'm in orientation, why am I added in a groupchat?

thiccass: we're all in the orientation dude

sunshineseok: i dont mind it !!

mingsalt: mute it if ure so bothered wonwoo

mingsalt: we dont accommodate to u

wonwoo: i breathed?

junhuwui: owo what's this?

lilboo: hi hannie hyung!

lilboo: oh shit we got a furry here 🚨

junhuwui: better watch what you say about me sweetie (◕‿◕✿)

lilboo: or what

lilboo: im not afraid of you furry

junhuwui: i have your secrets up my sleeve boo seungkwan, freshman, major in mass communications ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )

junhuwui: i know things



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