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Betty's POV

Dear Diary,
                     I know you haven't heard from me in a while but I've decided to change. I can't take being a serpent anymore, it's all gotten too much. Stuff has happened and I don't know what to do about it. Sweet Pea has changed, I've tried to tell him what happened but he blew me off for Josie McCoy. He needs to know but I don't know how he'll react.

Anyways, I'm not a serpent anymore. I've traded it in for a ponytail and pastel colours, I know this isn't my natural look but I needed to change. I decided to go down my mother's route, be the girl next door and see what I can do about what happened. I just need to distance myself from my past and hopefully people will forget about it.

Who am I kidding?

This is high school, gossip spreads like wildfire. One minute it's all fine and then your secrets are all around school.

I need to make new friends but that's going to be hard considering I've been a serpent for years and hardly ever spoken to a Northsider. I mean I could try out for cheerleading? Make new friends. I guess I'll see what happens, wish me luck for my first day as this new and improved Betty Cooper.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I will try and update at least twice a week maybe even more.

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