Chapter 3

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Jughead's POV

I walked into school this morning and met up with Archie. We were walking towards his locker talking about the stuff we'd done the night before.

I spent most of my night in Pops and the Twilight Drive-in, where no one knows I'm staying.

When all we heard was the school doors open, everyone was looking and saw the Southside Serpents walking in.

I've also never told anyone that my father is a serpent, he's actually the serpent king. I didn't want to go down that path so I moved out and started living by myself.

Anyways, they started walking down the hallway so I just ignored them and started talking to Archie again.

That was until I heard a loud slam of a locker a few away from where we standing, and there walking like she owned place was Elizabeth 'Betty' Cooper.

I rolled my eyes and huffed "urgh look" I said to Archie.

He turned around and saw her walking past us, along with Veronica and Kevin.

You see before she joined the serpents we were all best friends. But she decided to be rebellious and join the gang. Betty hasn't spoken to any of us since that day she joined, that's why I refuse to join. It changes people. She started dating one of the serpents called Sweet Pea, ha what kind of name is that?

I took my attention off of Betty as I saw her walk into the girl bathroom. Soon Veronica followed, oh dear Veronica what are you getting yourself into?

I turned back to Archie and rolled my eyes. "I still can't believe how much she's changed since she's joined them.

Archie huffed and raised his eyebrows "I know, I was at home yesterday and heard Mrs Cooper tell Betty that she doesn't want her to be a serpent anymore. They got into a huge fight and Betty stormed out".

I couldn't believe it. Well actually I could.

The Coopers were one of the most respected families in Riverdale, that was until their youngest daughter joined a gang and their eldest daughter was taken away for "mental problems" if you ask me I think there's something off about it.

When Polly was taken away the town was talking about it for a few days but when Betty joined the serpents the town was talking about it for weeks, maybe even months. Some times it's still brought up whenever Betty passes someone.

I grabbed a hold of my bag tighter "I'm not surprised she wants Betty back to how she was. We all do"

Archie grabbed books from his bag and replaced them with other books "I know Jughead, the young Betty Cooper who would make us all play princes and princesses".

I smiled at that memory.

*Flashback - 6 year old Betty's POV*

I had just got off the phone with Jughead and his daddy said that it was okay for him to come round to Archie's house so we could play a game.

Veronica was already here (Ronnie's been there for years, she grew up with them).

I ran up to her "quick V, let's go round to Archie's. Juggy's on his way and Archie said that Kevin is already there"

Veronica simply nodded and we ran around to Archie's.

I knocked on the door and there stood Archie's daddy at the door. "Hello, Mr Andrews. Archie said that you said it was okay for us to come round and play"

His daddy, Fred, looked down at both Veronica and I. "Of course little ones. He's upstairs with Kevin"

We went upstairs and I opened Archie's bedroom door to see him looking at a picture book on his bed and Kevin watching TV.

"Juggy will be here in a minute" I said as I sat on a bean bag.

Archie nodded his head "what are we gonna play?"

Veronica and I looked at each other and smiled. I simply said "princes and princesses"

"No" Archie replied.

I frowned "you chose last time so now it's my turn"

He huffed and gave in "okay"

After about a minute there was a knock on Archie's bedroom door. I opened it and there stood little Jughead Jones.

"Hey Juggy. We're gonna play princes and princesses"

He looked confused and Archie rolled his eyes at Jughead.

*Back to present day* Jughead's POV

I smiled at that memory and checked the time.

"Shit we better be getting to class"

Archie nodded his head and we walked to class.

I sat down next to Archie in the middle, class had just began and 5 minutes later in walks Betty Cooper who goes and sits right at the back.

"Miss Cooper, you're late" Mr Finch pointed out to her.

I turned around and looked at Betty "way to point out the obvious" she simply said and rolled her eyes.

I turned back around and saw Mr Finch shake his head at her.


I decided to do it from another perspective. I hope you liked it, you also saw a part of Betty's past and what she was like as a child.


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