Chapter 3

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Harry found himself assessing the office silently while he assumed that Mr. Xavier and Ms. Monroe were having a mental conversation, it took every ounce of control he had to keep himself from invading. The office was very formal, all dark wood and large furniture but it was somehow welcoming too. He figured that it was the man that the office belonged to that made the office feel so comforting despite the look it had. Harry turned back toward the two adults when he noticed that their conversation was over.

Mr. Xavier smiled at him warmly before Ms. Monroe took one of the seats to the right of the desk and he motioned for Harry to take one of the seats in front of them which he did silently as he waited for them to break the silence. "Mr. Potter, this school is home to one of the largest populations of mutant students in the world. We provide a safe place to learn both the normal subjects and how to properly control their powers so that as adults they can blend in with normal people without worrying about loosing control of themselves. With the new problems that are sure to arise due to the assassination attempt on the president its going to be very hard for any mutant to remain unaffected." He looked out the window for a moment before he turned back to be with a weary look in his eyes. "The government will most likely try to find a way to subdue what they think is a threat to national security without trying to understand what is really going on. What I am trying to get across is that it would be far safer for you to attend this institution where there are so many others to protect you then to be on your own. Would you consider attending? All of our teachers are more then qualified to help you take your college courses online?"

The room seemed to shrink around Harry as the words sunk in; Mr. Xavier wanted him to attend a school full of other mutants. He would be surrounded by other freaks; even if they weren't quite as freaky as he was they would still be similar. He quickly squashed the hope that had started to build in his chest, Uncle Vernon wouldn't want him to go to a school full of mutants because someone might find out that he was a freak and his family's reputation would be shattered. He opened his mouth to flat out refuse when he felt the mental connection to his uncle spring to life as Uncle Vernon's voice filled his head. "Harry, you need to get home quickly. The attack on the president is going to make things very difficult for all mutants and we need to decide what to do about it."

Both Mr. Xavier and Ms. Monroe seemed startled when Harry stood suddenly and moved toward the door. He didn't even look back at them as he closed the door behind him and teleported out of there and into his room at home. His family would always come before anyone else; he would never be able to pay them back for putting up with his freakishness for all these years.

"What in the world just happened?" Storm hadn't felt this confused in a very long time and she could honestly say that she didn't like it one little bit. She had rushed out of the office after Harry when he had suddenly left only to find that the boy was gone.

Xavier moved toward the window to look into the woods that surrounded the school. "It would seem that young Mr. Potter is far more gifted then even I had given him credit for. Before he left I felt his power reach out with a singular purpose in a very straight line; I do believe he was communicating with someone at a great distance and they said something that caused him to leave." He looked back at Storm and she could almost see the reluctance in his eyes. "I would rather leave that young man to his own life but we need to make sure that he is safe from those that would use his power to subjugate either the humans or the mutants. I will use Cerebro to locate both him and the mutant that attacked the president."

Petunia almost suffocated the boy the moment that he came down from his room and practically dragged him into the living room where she forced him onto the couch while pacing in front of them all. "The president has announced a man hunt for the mutant that attacked him and it will only be a matter of time before he is convinced by a congressman or an officer to take a more aggressive approach." Petunia flopped into a chair with a great sigh as Vernon watched her with no small amount of pride. He was good at dealing with numbers and money but Petunia was a master at figuring out how people worked.

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