Chapter 12

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Harry tilted his head back and closed his eyes as he felt long hidden power surge around his consciousness. It was power that came closer to his then any before it. A gentle prod in its direction surrounded him in warmth and the expectation of meeting. "Jean is no more."

Logan's head tilted his direction as Remy flipped a card through his fingers aimlessly. "I doubt she would have died with her puppy around to blink at anyone that looks at her wrong."

Harry opened his eyes and directed a glass of water from across the room into his hands before answering. "Jean Gray is no longer the controlling personality. Her true personality, the Phoenix, is now in control and headed this way."

"Her true personality? Going to have to explain that one, mon petit." Remy dealt himself a blackjack before reshuffling and doing it again. "You're making it sound like the lady is three bricks short of a full load."

Harry giggled before he regained control and forced his amusement back under the blanket he keep his emotions under. "She is an extremely powerful telepath, beyond the Professor by a good little bit, and extremely gifted in telekinesis as well. The professor must have found her at a very young age and put so many psychic blocks in her mind that he created a completely different person all together." Harry could feel the curiosity coming not only from Logan and Remy but also from the small group of young mutants that had been listening by the door. "A mutants powers are central to who they are as a person and are normally directly linked to their core personality. Telepaths are typically naturally good at understanding human nature while telekinetic mutants have personalities geared toward making an impact on the world around them, which is why those two powers tend to coexist. Those like Pyro often have hot tempers that are quick to flare up while those like Bobby are cool tempered and hard to rile up."

Logan snuffed a bit and readjusted himself from where he was leaning against the wall. "What about mutants like Storm or Marie?"

Harry tilted his head to the side and considered the issue for just a moment or two. "Storm is the first to take responsibility for the group, she nurtures but also defends with the same intensity. Her wrath can be a frightening thing much like the storms that she controls. Marie is dependent on others to pave her path for her. She would rather follow behind someone than take the lead even if they take her in a horrible direction."

Remy nodded and swayed a bit. "Wolverine is a wild man that's more at home in the woods than the city and this Gambit is a sly devil if I do say so myself. But what does that have to do with Jeanie? Her powers were locked up, not thrown out?"

"The professor only left her with a teardrop's worth of her original power, just enough to keep her a mutant but nothing near what she should have had. In doing so he muted her personality to the point that he was able to mold her into the perfect follower. Her locked up power contained the main bulk of her personality and has been locked behind physic walls, watching the world pass her by, for many years." Harry sighed as he floated the empty glass back over to the table with a thought. "She is angry but also calm in her anger. Her situation is what we have to worry about with anything that the humans think up to put a box on mutant powers. If you shove down our power, you eliminate what makes us, us. The resulting depersonalization would make us little more than puppets

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