Chapter 10

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Petunia didn't trust wizards as far as she could throw them. They strode into her happy family and took her sister away from her to that school and eventually they got Lily killed. They could do things that went against the laws of nature and seemed to think that that gave them the right to do whatever they wanted to those who couldn't. The man in front of her was different than the others that she had met; he didn't have the aura of being somehow better than her just by being born. "You're a muggleborn, aren't you?"

The young man looked surprised for a moment before he smiled from ear to ear. "Yeah, I got sent because I know more about the muggle world than most and my captain figured that you probably didn't have a very good opinion of wizards after dealing with Dumbledore."

Petunia relaxed back into her favorite chair and looked to the picture of Harry on the mantle; it was one of the few pictures where he was smiling freely. Thompson followed her gaze. "Harry is a very special young man; he's already accomplished more than I could have ever dreamed of. He was the one that managed to turn my whole family around for the better. I would like to think that he's happy with the way that his life is going."

Thompson could feel that this woman really did care for Mr. Potter. "Is he home right now? I just need to see that he's alright so I can tell the Captain that there isn't anything to worry about."

"Unfortunately not and it's not likely that he'll be home anytime soon, but I can try to get in touch with him if you would like?"

"Yes, I just need to have something straight from him so no one, namely Dumbledore, can say that you weren't telling the truth and that we need to bring him back to Britain." Thompson honestly expected Petunia to call Harry on a cellphone but she just leaned even further into the cushions and closed her eyes.

He was about ready to ask if she was okay when he felt a presence slip past his shields and enter his mind with an ease that was rather humbling. 'My aunt tells me that you are an Auror who wishes to confirm that I am taken care of and that I am not in need of rescue.'

'Yes, there are a lot of problems in the Wizarding World right now and while there are people that would like to make you come back and deal with it so they don't have to, the majority just want to make sure that you're happy and healthy away from all the issues we're having over in Britain.'

'My family has taken very good care of me and I would be most displeased in being taken away from them, just as I would if anything were to happen to them because of me.'

Thompson could practically feel the veiled threat. 'We would never do anything to your family.'

'You and your faction may not wish harm on them, but any contact that you have with them could bring the attention of your dark lord or of the old man. Either one of them would have no issues with using my family to ensure that I did as they wished. You will leave their house, tell your Captain and no one else what was said and what you saw and then you will forget everything that you know about my family by any means necessary. Do not tell anyone, especially your partner.' The presence left his mind just as quickly as it came and Thompson knew that it had been Harry Potter without a single doubt. Many had said that there had to be something truly exceptional about any person that could survive the killing curse and now he knew that it was very true. Potter had managed to talk to him in his mind from wherever he was without a single issue and held the connection far longer than most could even dream of.


"I didn't actually think that you all would be holed up in a scrap yard." John looked around with one raised eyebrow at the massive piles of junk laying everywhere. "I suppose it would have its uses for Magneto but not much in the way of comforts."

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