Chapter 5

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Harry found that it was very easy to relax once he was on the jet, he had never really been comfortable around normal people and it was comforting to know that everyone here was a mutant like him even if they weren't quite as freaky. The woman that had been having the problems with something in her mind was one of the pilots and whatever she had been having problems with was still there, steadily getting stronger though it seemed to be calmly reaching out to him instead of the violent pushing it had been doing at the museum. The other pilot was Ms. Monroe and she looked shocked at Harry's presence before she nodded sharply once and started the lift off. The man that had been with the woman with control issues was also there but he seemed more than content to glare at the feral and ignore the fact that there was anyone else even on the jet.

The only other mutant on the jet when they stepped on was a rather unusual looking fellow that was content to pray almost constantly. His appearance clearly marked him as the mutant that was accused of attacking the president and he carried the same mental disturbance that Magneto had. Harry had no doubt that the Stryker human was the one to force this mutant to attack the president, probably so he could gain clearance to attack a school of all things.

Most of the ride was pleasantly quiet, especially sitting next to Magneto, all Harry had to really deal with was when Magneto made a show of playing up to John's, Pyro's, ego and making him think that he was too good to go to Xavier's school. Harry found himself mildly impressed with how easily Magneto played the boy, gaining not only his trust but managing to separate him from Bobby.

Jean found the young man that took the seat next to Magneto to be highly disturbing though there was something about him that drew her to him despite that. He didn't show very much emotion on his face and hadn't said a single word since he got on but he observed everything with a keen eye and seemed to be passing judgments on them all and she found herself hoping that he did not find her wanting. It was the same feeling that she had had when she first arrived at the institute towards the Professor and she still felt that way whenever she was alone with him.

Storm was undoubtedly worried about the presence of the young man that the professor had been trying so very hard to find. The professor hadn't even been able to pick up the slightest ping from the young man's mind but when things decided to go wrong he showed up with Magneto of all people. She didn't think for one moment that the young man had had anything to do with the professor's disappearance but she knew that he had to have been watching them closely to know when they needed help and the thought that he could do that from such a distance without the help of Cerebro was more then enough to make her very uncomfortable.

She watched them out of the corner of her eye the entire trip until they decided to stop for the night and found that she was more confused about the reasons that they showed up together then she had been at the start of the flight. Harry, if she remembered correctly, didn't even try to talk to either Mystique or Magneto but he also made no attempt to talk to anyone else. It was almost as if he didn't even notice that they were there; he stared at several of them for a moment or two as if sizing them up before he lost interest in that and started to drift off until he looked to be almost asleep in his seat even though she had the distinct impression that he would still notice even the slightest movement in his direction. She sighed lightly as she stepped off the jet and got ready to give them a bit of weather coverage for the night; as long as the group helped them save the professor it didn't really matter what the reasons behind it were.

Scott hardly noticed that their group had gotten bigger as he glared at Logan. He should have been at the manor when it was attacked but he had trusted the animal to be at least capable of protecting a fortified base and he had failed. The professor was captured and they had to deal with help from the enemy to get him back. There was no way that he was going to trust the feral with anything important again.

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