Chapter 4

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Petunia looked at the man across from her with a calculating glare. Harry had told her much about this man but he refused to delve too deeply into any person's mind because of the severe damage that such a thing could cause and none of them were going to try to force the issue. "I would like to know exactly how you view the current situation between what you know as normal humans and mutants."

Magneto sized the woman in front of him up before he decided how far he was going to take this. "I have seen the horrors of the Holocaust and I have very little doubt that the same thing will happen to mutants unless we take a stand now and make sure that they can't subjugate us." He could practically see the calculations going on within Mrs. Dursley's mind. "A telepath that I met when I was younger, Charles Xavier, believes that there can be peace between the races without the use of force and while it is a wonderful dream to have; it is just that, a dream. Humanity had never been a species to simply accept that there may be a more powerful species out there and they will do almost anything to assure their superiority among the creatures of this planet. The Salam Witch Trials, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Holocaust are just three of the many examples of humanities inability to accept those that are different or may be more powerful."

Petunia could see how this man had managed to gain such a reputation as a leader among mutants; he certainly had a way with words and a presence that demanded attention. "Did you give William Striker information about Xavier's institute of your own free will, or was the information forced from you?" She had to admire the way that he covered his shock.

Magneto reassessed the woman in the instant it took to recover; she obviously had a very good informant. "That human had some kind of mind control substance with him that made it impossible for me to deny his questions no matter how much I wish that I could have. I don't know what he wanted with the information but I don't doubt that he will end up being the start of the inter-race war at the rate that he's going."

Petunia glanced at the thin gold watch Vernon had bought for their last anniversary. "He is going to try. Tonight at around midnight he plans to attack your friend's institute to capture as many mutants as possible as well as obtain something called Cerebro and your friend. If you were to be released from this lovely cage of yours, would you do anything about it or let the war begin with the death of countless innocents and an old friend?"

Magneto really wanted to know how this woman of no visible mutation knew so much about what others were doing; she didn't have the feel of a telepath about her. "I want a war, there's no point in hiding that, but even I don't think that children should be sacrificed to start it. If I was able to leave this little slice of hell on earth I would try to redeem myself for revealing the school's secrets by defending it to the best of my ability."

Petunia managed a small smile before the passageway reattached itself and the guard walked back into the room only to bow before speaking in an emotionless voice that belonged to a much younger man. "All of the guards on the outside are unconscious as well as any personnel that aren't needed to leave. All of the security cameras are currently offline and have been for your entire visit. Will he be accompanying you out?"

Magneto watched as the woman graced the guard that was obviously being controlled remotely with the largest smile he had seen on her yet, though that isn't saying much. "Yes Harry dear, I do believe that it would be in everyone's best interest if he flew the coop so to speak."

Logan always knew that his luck had to be the worst of any man on earth and this is just the kind of thing that proved it to him. He had visited the lake that Chuck had sent him to only to find nothing but an abandoned military facility that held nothing that sparked his memories or gave him any clues to go on. He had managed to make it back to the institute in record time only to walk in as Jean, Storm, and wonder boy left to find some mutant while leaving him with the task of watching the brats while Chuck rested from overworking himself. It made his lack of luck more then apparent as he popped open a beer and listened to Rogue tell him all about every single thing that happened since the last time he saw her. Sometimes he didn't know why he even bothered getting up in the morning.

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