Chapter 11

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Harry knew that gathering enough mutants that were both useful and of the same mind as Magneto would be difficult. Many were either too scared to act out or were under the false impression that if they just acted like normal humans they would just slip under the radar and wouldn't have to get involved one way or another. It took a rare mind to be able to see through the carefully constructed act of peace that Xavier paraded around with. Humans were hardwired to turn against anything that was stronger than they were, it wasn't an insult, simply the survival instinct that most people tried to deny that they had.

Despite the lack of like-minded mutants with useful abilities and a granule of intelligence, he was able to form a group of easily controlled imbeciles with somewhat useful talents.


"If this is the best that Magneto can draw you might want to think about jumping ship, before he sinks it." Logan's voice practically dripped with disgust as he looked at the punks and criminals that were trying, and failing in his opinion, to impress everyone with their abilities.

"Most mutants are still under the impression that peace is just a matter of time. There are others who think that they can live as a human would and never have to deal with the conflict at all." Harry glanced at the assembled group and tried to ignore Logan's physical closeness. Both Logan and Remy made it a personal mission to be close to him whenever they got the chance.

"Some mutant's don't have the flashy powers. They might not have to go picking a side in this little turf war." Remy leaning against the wall and rolled his eyes as one of the younger mutants ended up tripping over a pipe as he tried to impress a couple of giggling girls.

Harry sighed and flicked his hand toward the center of the room. Several pipes floated in the air before slamming into the ground hard enough to crack the concrete. Every head, including Magneto's and Mystique's snapped toward him audibly. "Now that you are all silenced we can continue with business."

Harry ignored his two shadows and strode through the room without looking at any of the gapping jaws. He stepped onto a rather large sheet of metal before spinning to take in the room. As soon as Remy and Logan stepped onto the metal it rose into the air to match the one that Magneto and Mystique were already using. Magneto had used his abilities to flatten out several such platforms for this very purpose.

"You are here because you have not been blinded by the futile talks of peace and coexistence that have pervaded the media lately. You do not think that you can just sit this all out and wait for the end to come and peace reigns supreme." Magneto was laying it on thick and the idiots were eating out of the palm of his hands. One mutant however, a woman, was not looking at Magneto but staring at Harry with a look of awe. "We will stand strong when Homo sapiens show their true colors and we are forced to show them just how much stronger Homo Superiors are." His little speech was followed by a roar as the young mutants saw a future.

"I would like to know who the young mutant is." The young woman that had been staring's voice rose above the din and silenced the entire pack. "He is the strongest one here; he is the strongest one I have ever met. Everyone here knows who you are, Magneto, the man that stands as a figurehead of the resistance, the Brotherhood of Mutants. Mystique is known as your second in command, even though she can never be pinned down with one look. Wolverine is known to us as a once follower of Xavier's band. The other two are not known to us."

Remy simply couldn't resist the urge. "Well, now it just won't do for any little lady not to know this rogue or my petit sorcerer." He pulled a card from his jacket and flipped it into the air where it stayed suspended, outlined with a light red glow. "Gambit is the name of this one. Le petit sorcerer is Avalon." Harry resisted the urge to stare at the rogue; he was unprepared to receive a 'mutant name'. "We welcome you to our humble abode."

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