Her Husband

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"Mommy? Will you tell me a bed time story?" Asks her son in a British accent. Her son is about five and looks exactly like his father.

"Of course, sweetheart," she smiles.I

"Once upon a time..there lived a family. A daughter, a son, a mother, and a father."

"What are their names mommy?" He asks curiously. She pretends to think for a moment .

"Let's just say they are called, Yin, Tobias, Nicole, and Noah. Now, they lived in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighbirhood. Both the mother and father were very happy together. It is said that when they first laid eyes on each other they fell deeply in love."
Like you and daddy! " the child exclaims excitedly.

The mother nods her head glancing at the door.

"They were married in a few months time and no two souls were more in love ever. About a year after their marriage they had two children. Twins to be exact. They named them Tobias and Yin. Tobias the older brother was a bubbly young child who loved to be outside and loved to play. While Yin was a very shy intelligent girl who loved everyone that she met."

The child stares at her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Although they were very nice children something was different about the girl. She was different and that made people scared of her."

"Why would anyone be scared of someone like her?"

"Just listen Frederick, there were many other people like her in the world. But people didn't seem to like them all very much. So they began to hunt them down because they were afraid. When people are scared they do drastic things. All of the scared people came to your grandfather seeking his help."

She glances towards the window.

"You're grandfather designed and built a place where they could keep people like Yin so that people wouldn't be scared anymore. But once your grandfather passed away your father inherited it. Even though he built the place and kept the different people out of sight, they were still scared. The people told your father about the family and your father decided to take action."

One gunshot rings out in the distance. Both the mother and the son jump.

"Mommy what was that?" Her son asks scared.

"Nothing sweetie, nothing,"

"You're father decided that he had to take Yin away to a place where she wouldn't be hurt."

A second gunshot rings out in the distance.

"I think that's it for the night, darling." The mother said standing up.

"But mommy, I want to know how the story ends."

"I don't know how it ends sweetheart, someday I will though, and then I'll finish telling you the story."

"Promise mommy?"

"I promise. Goodnight Frederick." She says turning off the lamp.
"Goodnight mommy."

The mother shuts her son's door and finds her husband downstairs.

"We had a deal Lillith, you tell no one and our precious son doesn't get hurt anymore." He says smoking a cigar.

"Yes dear," she responds as he walks away from her.

He killed her. He killed her best friend and now her children will suffer because of it.

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