Empty Teabags

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I sit at a large desk next to Mr.Fazbear's. Sitting next to him, doing work like this in silence always reminds me of my days at the ScrapYard. I've only been here for two months and everything I do just reminds of the ScrapYard. Frederick and I don't talk at all which I'm absolutely fine with. I don't need to associate myself with him. The only person I really talk to in this place is my brother. My biological brother Tobias to be exact. I'd talk to Yang too if he was around still. Suddenly the oak doors to Mr.Fazbear's office freaks open and one of the higher powers approached us holding a large stack of papers.

"What are these for?" He asks taking them from the higher power.

I look up slightly just enough to see who it is. The higher power has golden blonde hair and gray eyes. He wears a black tux and glasses that sit in front of his warm gentle eyes. I'm pretty sure this is the one they call Golden.

"They're from your father, plans for the ScrapYard or something like that."

I tense up at Golden's words. Plans? For the ScrapYard? What are they planning?

Mr.Fazbear flips through them quickly.

"These aren't my division," he answers.

"Your father specifically had these delivered here for you. He wants them done by Thursday." Golden answers.

Mr.Fazbear sighs placing them on his desk.

"Thank you, Golden. I'll have them done by Thursday."
Golden nods respectively before leaving us alone. Mr.Fazbear rests his head on the desk. I stare at him before quickly getting back to work.

"Ms.Dagenhart, would you like to get some tea with me?" He asks.

I look up at him. He stares back at me with huge bright blue eyes. I want to say no but a thought crosses my mind. Maybe if I say yes I can get him to tell me about what's going on at the ScrapYard right now. After all he visits the place three times a week.

"Sure," I nod. He smiles getting up from his desk and heading towards the door. I follow him with my hands on my pockets. I need to know what's going on. I need to. Neither of us talk until we're in the kitchen. I sit down at the large island counter in the middle of the room while he searches for stuff around the kitchen to brew tea with.

"So, Ms.Dagenhart, how do you feel about being here?" Mr. Fazbear asks.

"...It's fine, I guess...." I answer quietly.

God, I wish he'd stop calling me Ms.Dagenhart. That's what his dad used to call me. He fills a tea kettle with water before placing it on the stove.

"I'm sorry if we make you uncomfortable."

I don't answer him as I twiddle my thumbs. He leans against the stove waiting for the water to boil.

"How's your dad?" I ask suddenly.

"He's pretty good, still angry about you escaping, but other than that he's fine, "

"...That's good..." I answer.

We sit in silence. It's awkward trying to have a normal conversation with the son of the person that really wants to kill you and take your soul.

The loud whistle from the water boiling in the kettle startles me. Mr.Fazbear pours the water into two separate cups before adding the tea bags. He carries them both over to the island and cautiously hands me one.

"Thank you," I respond.

"You're welcome," he says sitting down in the chair next to mine. Once again we sit in silence. I can't hold the question anymore.


"Please, call me Frederick,"

"Frederick, can you tell me what's going on at the ScrapYard?" I ask quickly. He looks up at me surprised.

"Why would you want to know about the ScrapYard? I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with it now that you're here. "

I take a sip from my cup. The taste is very familiar as it's the same tea I used to drink with my mother when I was younger.

"I have...family....there and I'm worried about them." I answer quietly.

"Ah, I see. Well, from what I've heard my father say, he's going to up security on the place and add more rooms."

More rooms means more people. Fuck. The security issue isn't really a concern of mine right now.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is your family? " he asks.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I'd like to keep an eye on them for you. I visit the ScrapYard three times a week, I could report back to you on their health and safety. "

I'm surprised at his offer. I've been worried sick for them ever since I arrived at the Fazbear Mansion.

"That would be fantastic," I smile. "Their names are Spring Trap, Leah Burminghamm, Mitch Bronstone , Alex and Marigold Jackson, Tristan McMore, Julian Jones and his older brother.

"I'll do my best to keep an eye on them for you. " he answers.

"Thank you, Frederick..." I respond smiling.

A light blush appears on Frederick's cheeks as he stares at me. I stare back at him questionably.

"Y-You should smile more often, you look a lot happier when you do." he stutters.

I still don't trust him.

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