I Have Plans

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"Sweetheart, what will we be doing today?" Asks a very excited Marigold. She sits on her husband's large dark oak bed. Her ginger hair is down and hangs over her shoulders in waves. A daisy tucked behind her ear. A gift from Alex.

"I'm sorry, flower. Father has made plans with me today. Training and stuff." Alex answers. He's currently in the bathroom making himself look somewhat presentable.

Marigold pouts running her hand over the red silk bed sheet. Her husband never has time for her anymore. It's always training this and training that. She was sick of it.

"Can't you cancel or reschedule them?" She whines.

"No, flower. You know that is not how things work down here." He calls from the bathroom. Marigold flips down on the bed in defeat just as Alex comes out of the bathroom. His pitch black hair soaking wet from the hot shower he just took. He's got a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. This doesn't bother Marigold anymore as they've been married for over two hundred years now. When Alex says no to something it means no and there's is no point in fighting with him. But maybe Marigold could change this. Alex stands in front of a large oval shaped mirror on the other side of the room fixing his hair. Marigold, seeing how her husband is distracted, slips off the bed and sneaks over to him hugging him from behind. He's much taller than her and Marigold only reaches an inch under his shoulders. She buried her face in his back breathing in his scent. Cinnamon and peppermint. Marigold's most favorite smells. Alex says nothing as he snaps his fingers. Pants appear on him where the towel used to be, he's wearing faded black skinny jeans to be exact.

"Flower, I have to finish getting ready." He says waiting for her to release him. She hesitates before backing off tears welling in her eyes. Marigold is a sensitive person in general and tends to cry a lot. Alex, sensing the change in Marigold's emotions, whips around to face her concerned.

"Flower..." he says wrapping her up in a hug. It's the special kind of hug that only he can give to Marigold. It's full of love and protection.

"Are you okay?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"I-I miss you..." she sniffles.

"But flower, I'm always here for you,"

"You know what I mean.."

He smiles tilting the shorter girls head up.

"You're so cute, flower," he comments before gently placing his lips on hers letting her melt into the kiss. Alex pulls her closer by her waist cupping her cheek to deepen the kiss. He pulls away giving her one last peck on the lips.

"You really miss me that much, huh?" Alex asks. Marigold nods her head slightly embarrassed. Alex chuckles quietly.

"Well, how about this, once I get home from training today, we can do whatever you want."

Marigold's eyes light up.

"Anything I want?"

"Mhm," he smiles. "I'll cancel the rest of plans just for you. "

Marigold smiles wiping away her tears.

"I love you, never forget that." He adds.

"I love you too. "

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