2 - Uncertainty

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Panting, Tenn Kujo leaned against the smooth wall of TRIGGER's dance studio, trying to hold back his need for deep breathes. He lifted the water bottle from the table beside him and took in a gulp, accidentally letting out a deep exhale as he placed it back down. The bottom of his white hair resting upon his neck felt soaked from sweat. The fresh air conditioning prevented the performers from overheating luckily. Though that came as a disadvantage considering that the stage was significantly denser in heat. For the past couple of hours, the three members of TRIGGER had been vigorously practicing for the KingProducer awards, which were coming up just the next day. 

A shadow casted over Tenn's body. He looked up to see Gaku standing before him, the silver-haired male's significantly taller height looming over him, his sharp eyes staring down. Tenn raised a brow, giving a stern look silently communicating, 'what do you want?' 

"You seen to be out of it today. Your concentration was off," Gaku's low voice confronted.

"I couldn't get enough rest last night," Tenn quickly responded.

"You better tonight. We need to pull off the performance expected of us," Gaku headed off to the side of the table, swinging a clean, small towel around his neck.

"I know," Tenn scoffed.

"Hey - Don't fight guys!" Ryuu said, his voice sounding as if he was trying to keep himself together from bursting out.

"We're not," Tenn and Gaku said in sync before Gaku headed out of the door of the dance studio. The whole back of his shirt was stained in sweat. 

Tenn swiped a glance at Ryuu who was chuckling nervously. Often, Ryuu's anxiety got to the best of him. It was something Tenn had learned to ignore instead of bother himself with. The two then headed out after Gaku, taking a separate elevator from him. Together, they stood in the elevator silently for a couple of moments before Ryuu started to poke at the same thing Gaku had.

"Is something bothering you? Or on your mind?" he asked.

"Nothing," Tenn replied bluntly. He didn't want to big deal with this.

"Oh. Uhm, well if there is. . ? You can always talk to me," Ryuu said awkwardly.

"Nothing is bothering me," Tenn said as the elevator let out a small ding and the doors separated to reveal the floor of the TRIGGER headquarters where the members' rooms where located. He exited the elevator and headed left, leaving Ryuu without another word. 

But he knew well what was bombarding his mind, consuming his concentration. He knew Gaku and Ryuu didn't believe him. As he approached his room, he shook his head slightly. 'I can't let this get to me, ' he thought.

- - -

Fans shouted at the tour van which was arriving close to the venue of the KingProducer awards, though they couldn't see through the tinted windows. Perhaps the most they could see would be the faint shadows of the TRIGGER members. Though the three could see the fans very well. Ryuu waved back at them, smiling to himself. Gaku crossed his legs, sitting back. He was listening to music, blocking out the sounds of the cheering fans. Tenn looked out through the windows, watching as they drove by the abundance of fans waiting in line, which stretched multiple blocks, to enter inside the venue. He didn't bother to wave back or smile, knowing they couldn't see him.

After the van settled inside of the garage where performers parked, the three hopped out of the and entered into venue through the back doors. The sound of the fans' cheers were silenced once they entered through the back door of the venue. For the next couple of hours, makeup was applied to them, they reviewed their dance once more, and fans had started to enter into the audience area. 

A knock startled Tenn Kujo in his dressing room. He wore a fancy costume of black leather decorated in sparse feathers which outlined his less masculine frame. Opening the door, he found himself face to face with Anesagi, TRIGGER's manager. The older male smiled down at him.

"I expect you to get the task down. The show starts in about forty minutes." There was nothing but seriousness in his voice. He meant business, and Tenn knew that.

"I will," Tenn responded. He avoided eye contact.

Though Tenn didn't feel confident. A certain someone's presence was likely to be here by now. . .

- - -

He knew the voices the moment he heard them. They were lively and sounded awfully spirited. Especially that one with the ridiculous western accent, gave it all away. IDOLiSH7. 

Tenn had been standing against a wall of the hallway when he heard their voices echo down from the corner. His mind was conflicted, yet this was now the time. His moment to follow the manager's orders and use the Devil's voice. . . Something was holding him back. He knew what it was. Who it was. He didn't want any hinderance, though it couldn't be helped. And he barely understood this feeling.

"Agh, I'm so nervous!" Judging by the pitch of this male's voice, it was likely to be the orange-haired member who was the shortest and looked the youngest. 

"You'll all do great, I trust you!" A soft feminine voice said. Most likely their manager. He had heard from Gaku that their manager was a young woman. He was mildly interested in seeing who she was.

Tenn bit his bottom lip, the stress levels fluctuating in him. Now was the moment. He couldn't let this slip. . . Not unless if he wanted to receive chastisement from Anesagi. Then a particular voice caught his attention, stopping all time in place.

"I guess we all can't help but to feel nervous, huh?" A slight laugh followed. The male's voice was high and undeniably had a familiar tone to it. Nanase Riku.

An invisible force clutched inside of his chest. His throat felt tight, his palms sweating. He parted his lips, ready to let out a vocal note. He knew the Devil's voice could erase their memory of ever hearing his voice for this moment if he commanded it, and that's what he would do. Taking in a small breath, he then released an A-note. It was clear and light. Though the tempo shook towards the end of his hold. He then continued on with a couple of lines from one of TRIGGER's songs.

Mess up the performance. 

The talking had immediately come to a halt, his voice had reached the member's of IDOLiSH7 which were present just around the corner. Tenn cut off his voice, and waited a couple of seconds in silence. He panted lightly, his heart beating rapidly. Concern arose in him, such a simple act of singing shouldn't have taken such a toll on him. 

Right as he decided to take the turn down the hall and slip past the members while they were still momentarily affected by the suspending effect of the Devil's voice, an unexpected voice caught him by surprise.



words: 1180

「Devil's Voice」Tenn KujoWhere stories live. Discover now