6 - The Devil's Gift

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The light that leaked through the slight opening of the curtains gave Tenn continuous throbs in the head. His throat felt strained, like someone were choking him with their grips just not tight enough to kill him off immediately. But it wasn't just his throat that took a fault, his chest had a pressure which pressed on consistently without taking a break.

Though he could still speak, it was recommended not to by the medical staff. The doctors couldn't identify specifically what could be causing the medical emergency, they only came up with suggestions. But Tenn knew, it couldn't be any normal problem fixed with medicine. There was something else, internally rotting him away.

The only plausible source for these symptoms would be the Devil's voice.

It was likely he had abused it, it took a heavy toll on him. Luckily, his breaths had returned back to normal by now. He hadn't sang in a few days. Perhaps that was the only way to cure his "fever," as Anesagi called it, was to avoid singing and overall the use of the Devil's voice.

Having an ability that other's couldn't came with a cost. But it wasn't a gift he asked for, nor wanted. This "gift," as his parents called it, wasn't one that he appreciated receiving. It was scary holding a dangerous secret from the rest of the world when you were especially exposed to it.

Tenn had been trapped in his own head since the day he had left the Nanase house. The only people who knew of his ability were his parents, who he didn't know the whereabouts of now, and Anesagi.

Anesagi saw beauty in the Devil's voice. He described it as "the key to one's deepest desires." His intention was clear. He could use the Devil's voice to alter how people thought of him. But the ability was held by Tenn Kujo, and could only be used by him. So Anesagi brought on a deal.

- - -

"I need you to listen to me thoroughly," The pink-haired man said in a low voice.

Tenn stared back at him, he nodded in response. Nobody else was in the office. He felt cornered, being in a barren office with a complete stranger who seemed to have malicious intent.

"Come with me. I need you to allow me to use your special and unique gift to help me out. And in return, I will grant you fame, love, and all the money you could ever wish for," Anesagi bent down, resting on his knees to match Tenn's petite height.

"I don't want fame. I already have money and love."

"Oh come now, there's no need to be stubborn. Fame and money are the top desires people wish for. People will do anything to get everything I am about to give you." Anesagi's larger hand rested on Tenn's fragile shoulder, he made direct eye contact.

Tenn felt uncomfortable. He felt in danger. Danger that was merely a couple of inches from his body. Tenn shook his head. "I want to stay here with my family. . ."

"What's a family's love worth more than appreciation from all of Japan?"

Tenn didn't reply. He didn't particularly feel the need for validation of all of Japan.

"Look, I don't want to make this difficult. Just come along with me. I promise it you will enjoy your new life and family name." Anesagi glared daggers at him. "If you don't, you are endangering your current family."

"How am I -"

"The Devil's voice is a very dangerous gift. It only harms those around you. Your family, being the closest to you, will only suffer with your presence. It should be in your best interest to protect your family and keep your ability a secret from Riku, not be selfish."

「Devil's Voice」Tenn KujoWhere stories live. Discover now