3 - (un)Controlled

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It was at that moment all time ceased to progress. That familiar tone of voice, the nickname. . . It was no doubt Nanase Riku, the brother Tenn Kujo had left long ago. It had been close to ten years by now since they had last seen each other in person. He knew Riku had seen him on TV, banners, advertisements, news. . . Though it was only recently Tenn had been reminded of his brother at all, and to his surprise, on TV debuting as an idol. The idea baffled him. He found it atrocious to have his twin brother follow him in his footsteps as an idol. He wanted to ask Riku why he had pursued to become an idol. He wanted to stop him. Yet, his own concealed consciousness knew now wasn't the time, nor could he give up his detached disposition.

Though it wasn't just the idea of his brother suddenly showing up to confront him out of the blue that took him by shock. It was how. The Devil's voice should have froze him in his tracks and consciousness for a few moments. Yet, Riku seemed to be unaffected. Was it perhaps that his voice hadn't reached him?

Tenn Kujo didn't say a word. He kept his unfazed composure, as if he hadn't heard the voice of his brother. He lifted his weight off from the wall and walked past the red-haired male, and down the halls in the opposite direction of where the members of IDOLiSH7, who were frozen in place, were standing. As he walked off, he heard Riku's voice quietly mutter, "wait." It slipped past his mind with ease. Now was not the time to be distracted, the show started in approximately thirty minutes. He had finished the attempt to complete his task, though something was off.

- - -

TRIGGER and Anesagi watched the TV livestream of the KingProducer awards from their lounging room. Tenn, seeming uninterested, watched with a frown upon his features, leaning on the side armrest of the couch which was settled against the red painted walls. Gaku and Ryuu had two completely different reactions to the different performances, they quarreled back and forth. 

Tenn could feel the director's eyes on him, he could tell he was searching for any silent message. But that was the only reason he kept a neutral frown. Eventually, the show host announced IDOLiSH7 to come on stage, introducing them as "new rising stars soon to make it to the charts!"

The four watched as the colorfully-haired group of 7 walked out onto stage, waving, wearing white-based costumes. The crowd was cheering, more than expected. The members were all different heights which made them look quite unorganized to Tenn. A couple of members spoke into the mic, saying about how they hope the audience will enjoy their performance and how far they plan to make it as an idol group. Riku, being the center, spoke with energy in his voice.

As they performed their song, the four watched intently. While the music style didn't especially appeal to him, he could tell they had worked hard to pull of this performance. They smiled, and danced energetically. Ryuu watched with glittery eyes, until Gaku bonked him on the head with a fist, knocking him out of it.

But the performance couldn't hold it's shine for long. As the song continued, Tenn noticed a loss in concentration from the idols, they were slightly moving out of sync. Specifically the light blue-haired male who seemed to particularly distracted. His eyes were wandering, he was dancing slower than the others, his pace was unsteadily gaining and losing speed. And the white-haired one seemed to be especially distracted by him. And in the center, Riku seemed to be out of breath as he sang. It was something performers and judges could recognize but most likely not the audience.

"Looks like they weren't really prepared enough, huh?" Gaku said smug.

"I wonder what's wrong. . ," Ryuu questioned, concerned.

"As expected of rookies," Anesagi smirked. "It just can't be helped."

Tenn watched the red-haired male struggling to dance and sing smoothly in the center. He pursed his lips, unsure of how to feel. Something was off about this performance. He had used the Devil's voice earlier but this performance seemed to be affected by external factors. They still seemed to function properly on their own, for their actions seemed to be of their own faults. Surely, something was off. 

「Devil's Voice」Tenn KujoWhere stories live. Discover now