7 - The Truth

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Riku turned to Tenn, his large and youthful eyes spoke of prosperity. The cooling air of the beach brought on only tranquillity. The clear waves washing up gently against the shore and the delicate breeze that brushed against their skin. The two brothers sat next to each other on a large rock, they faced the sea, looking out over the crystal water which the bright sun shone on. Riku's legs hung down from the rock, kicking in the air occasionally. He hummed peacefully.

Tenn looked back at Riku, his white hair ruffled in the wind. The sea air tasted salty. "What?" He asked.

"Tenn-nii, let's sing!" Riku suggested.

"Huh? Isn't that kind of embarrassing though. . ."

The red-haired boy shrugged. "Not really."

Tenn turned his head from side to side, checking for any other people who could be around. But there was no one in sight. The nearest town was about 5 kilometers from this spot. Not even their parents, who had gone off for a romantic stroll along the edges of the beach, were near. They had brought the two to a more isolated part of the beach, away from the crowd where there would be no need to look after the children. It had been an hour since their parents had left them, he wondered where they were now. If they were on their way back.

Even without a response, Riku started. He let out a soft, high-pitched note facing the sea. "C'mon, It's fun!" He encouraged.

Tenn rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine," he gave in. Following his brother, he sang a note, louder than Riku's so it could be heard over the waves and breeze. The note flew into the sea air freely, then got carried away by the wind. He smiled, Riku was right. 

But Riku didn't seem to anymore. He was taking in deep breaths, his mouth hung open.

"What're you doing that for-"

"Oh - don't mind me. I'm just taking in the deeep breaths of the crispy air!" He said enthusiastically. But it ended off in a couple of light coughs.

". . ." Tenn didn't particularly buy that. But he didn't mind enough to bother himself with it. 

Riku didn't sing anymore after that.

Their parents had returned just a couple of minutes after that. The family collected together. Riku continued to cough, they were getting more violent. His mother patted his back, asking him what's wrong. Riku shook his head, saying he was fine but right after he said so, it was contradicted. His body collapsed to the ground loosely, luckily father had caught him on time. 

"Riku - What's wrong?!" His mother ran over, she pressed the back of his fingers against his forehead. "He's burning. . !"

"Let's get to a hospital, right now." 

- - -

Tenn pulled his shirt collar up, using his hand to try to cover the mark even though it did nothing. Riku can see it? "It's nothing," he said.

"Stop shutting me out!" Riku shouted. He stepped in closer to Tenn, his hand touching the one he used to cover the mark. "What is this. . ." he said, eyeing it.

"I don't know!" Tenn replied truthfully. "But there's nothing to do. It'll go away with time."

"Tenn-nii, I can help you!" Riku gripping Tenn's hand, pulling it away from his neck. "You might not believe me but, I can heal people!"

"What-?!" Tenn was speechless. Did Riku also have an ability?

Riku let out a soft note without further explanation. Tenn watched him, his lips pursed. 

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