Boy (4)

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A boy..? Alright here we go.

" His name is (Y/n)." Foxglove responded for you. She giggled as she saw Eagle's face, " What? Were you hoping to get someone new?"

" That's where you're wrong, Foxy." Eagle stepped, his feathered tail waved as he turned away from her, " I'm more looking forward to the meeting tonight." Foxglove shook her head as walked behind you. Her tail swayed a she walked off.

" Typical." Foxglove shrugged, earning a glare from Eagle as Guardian followed her." Let's go."

" know she's immune to it. So just stop." Guardian sighed, " You're never going to.." you blinked as you watch the two boys walk inside the den. You follow after them, the darkness immediately engulfing anything that was visible before.

".. " Foxglove's voice whispered softly as a faint glow flickered. A pendant dangled from her neck, glowing.

" Bright as always, Fox." Guardian mumbled as he walked behind her.

" Now who's flirting?" Eagle hissed.

" Oh really? That's jus-"

" Boys.. please." Ember raised her voice slightly, " Don't argue.." her dark brown eyes held flecks of silver in them as she glanced back, "... We don't need anymore trouble than what's presented.."

"... Sorry.." Guardian lowered his voice to a more softer, quieter tone, " I got carried away.."

" Just... don't argue.." Foxglove spoke softly as she continued to walk.

'.. Calming a brewing argument with her voice..' you thought, '... No surprise.. she's a Kitsune..'

" You guys can go on ahead.. I'll catch up." Foxglove muttered as she disappeared into a room.

" Sure."

" Of course, Alpha." Alpha? Guardian seemed to respect Foxglove.. not just as a person.. it seems she's the leader.. or at least an important figure here.

" H-hey!"

" You heard Alpha. Let's go." Guardian started dragging Eagle down the hall.

" You don't need to drag me!" Eagle protested as he got dragged away. You follow after the two of them. They seemed close. Maybe they were siblings? If that was the case.. Guardian would be older. He acts that way. Guardian and Eagle continue to bicker back and forth as you walk through the tunnels. They went from talking about how they should have left to eventually about Foxglove herself. They both respected her, but in two different ways. Eagle sees her as a good friend, a higher up, like a good general. It would seem two of them went through the same hardships and perils, side by side. Guardian, on the other hand, sees her as a leader figure. He follows her orders at all cost, even if he has second thoughts about them. This reflects in their speech as well. Eagle speaks almost informally to her, occasionally making an attempt at flirting with her. Guardian speaks with formality and tends to be submissive towards her, similar to how a soldiers acts to their king or noble.

" Are you kidding? That will never happen." Guardian's dragon tail lashed as his voice echoed into the open air. " She's Alpha's and no one else's!"

" No one says they made it official. I can still try!" Eagle spat back, his lion ears flattened. Currently you were standing on a different ledge that was closer to the city and over the forest still.

" Don't try to take from Alpha.. you know the consequences." Guardian reasoned, " Don't fall for your hopeless love.."

" I am not hopelessly in love!" Eagle retaliated, " It's just... Just!"

" See you don't have anything to say." Guardian sighed as he stood at the edge with Eagle. They had started this topic around 15 minutes ago.. Seems Eagle has a crush on Ember.. but she already has a mate? Or at least that's what seems to be happening..

" Wait.. I can't fly.." you spoke out as you notice the two getting ready to take flight.

" Oh.."

" Hm.. there isn't anything we can do." Eagle shrugged as he glanced back at you.

" I know you can't found, (Y/n)." Foxglove's voice spoke behind you, prompting you to jump. The silvery white Kitsune walked a couple of steps so that she was next to you. In her hand she held what looked like a book. " That's why I brought this." she flipped open the book, looking through it. " Hold still." she turned towards you, mumbled something under her breath.

" Foxy.. what are-"

" Don't intervene.."

"... " Foxglove held her hand out, tapping her finger against your shoulders. A warm feeling started to spread throughout your shoulders and back. Her voice grew slightly louder as you caught some of the words. They were in a foreign language for sure.. but you couldn't make out what language..

" Wha..? " Eagle's voice echoed slightly as your vision started to blur. You stumble slightly to the side before the dizziness cleared away. Shaking your head, you stand up. You notice there was something different, you couldn't quite put your finger on what was off though.

" Huh..?" you glanced back to see nothing there.

" Alright. Let's start moving. We don't want to be late for the meeting." Foxglove spoke as she leaped off the ledge, flaring her wings in a flash of white as she flew off as a silver and white winged fox.

" Yes Alpha.." Guardian responded as he took flight as a dragon, followed by Eagle who had taken his gryphon form.

" Wait! Guys!" you yelp as you run and leap off the ledge. You saw a flash of (f/c) before you jerked out of your fall, flying after the others. Foxglove gave a bark, flicking her tail a she spotted you flying slightly behind the group. She done down, coming up behind Eagle and Guardian as she flew in a loop around you.

" See this isn't that bad!" she spoke as she looped a second time around you as she flew in front of you. " Now to the city!" her silvery white wings glittered in the moonlight. You flew over the forest, towards a mansion? Large house? That sat at the edge of the city.

You land on a balcony surprisingly well, despite your inexperience flying. A second (f/c) glow surrounded you as you stand up, back in your normal form.

" To the meeting?" Eagle sighed as he landed next to you as his human form.

" Guess so.. thought we're going to get a lecture for being late.." Guardian grumbled as he landed.

" Not on my watch. " Foxglove spoke softly as she landed. You glance back at her, stiffling a yelp of surprise. The Kitsune stood balanced on the edge of the fence on the balcony. Her wings folded against her back. " You won't get in trouble. I'll make sure of it." she leaped down from the fence, walking over to the door and placing her hand against it. Almost immediately, it swung open quietly. She stepped in, waving for you and the brothers to do the same.

Continue to page 9

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