Girl (5)

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A Girl..?

" I'm.. (Y/n)." you introduce yourself.

" Pretty name." Eagle stepped forward, his feathered tail swayed from side to side, ".. Very fitting if you ask me." he walks over, his eyes flickered faintly with a hint of golden as his wings shifted comfortably against his back.

" Eagle please.." Guardian flicked his tail as Ember attempted to stop Eagle. Why would he do that? Or is he just being protective? Or is there another reason? He seems to care about Ember..

" Eagle. That's not nesissary at the moment." a hand dragged Eagle back as he came close. Eagle twisted to the side. His tail curled around your arm, the feathered tip of it brushed against your wrist as he started running towards the edge. He leaps off, taking the form of a large gryphon. His tail snapped forward, sending you flying onto his back. His wings flair open, catching a breeze. Below, you hear Guardian yelling as he took off after Eagle and you as a scaled dragon. Ember had disappeared off to who knows where. She isn't here now..

" Hold on.. It's about to get a bit bumpy.." Eagle gave a grumble of warning as he abrupt started to gain height. You instinctively snag onto the feathered mane he had. He starts making his way over to where the distant city lights were. After a moment a strong breeze blew by, seemingly warping and wiping away the forest surroundings. When the wind stopped, you saw a large house that Eagle was hovering in front of. He lands, taking his human form as you hop off. " Easy enough." he stretches his wings before folding them against his back, letting them trail behind. " Let's go before we're late.." he takes your hand, walking into the house and leading you down the hall towards a room.

You walk in behind Eagle, the soft chatting in the room reaching your ears. Eagle guided you over to a nearby chair as he sat down, gesturing you to sit down next to him. His left wing shifted to the side, brushing against the arm of the chair.

".. What about Guardian?" you ask, think about him. He's probably lost..

" He'll be fine." Eagle waved off your anxieties with a flick of his tail. " He can take care of himself." you nod as a figure walked into the room, having a aura of dominance and command surrounding him. Eagle immediately grew quiet.

" I see not everyone's here yet.." the figure spoke in a clear male voice. A dark, spiked tail swayed behind him.

" I'll see to it that they get the information." Ember spoke up from where she sat, next to a girl with dark hair and a cluster of purple feathers tucked behind her right ear. The figure nods.

" As you all know. We've have reports of Blood Pack coming close to our forest borders." the figure started again, prompting a couple of whispers " Confrontation can be avoided." his voice rose over the whispers, " If we take the correct precautions. Next meeting with the leaders, I will discuss this with Slash. In the mean time, see to it that the patrols keep an eye out for any Blood Pack members." several of the people in the room responded with ' Yes Alpha' or simply nodded their heads.

" Why can't we just attack them?" an outspoken voice asked. A female, around the age of 16 stood up, her eyes sparking with a slightly annoyance, " If we attack, we can deal with the problem head on."

".. and do you think we have enough man power to do that?" Foxglove retaliated, ".. Alpha has a point, Flame.. fighting isn't the answer here." her tail lashed slightly as she stood up, " If we attack head on now, what about the future? We maybe do up losing some people to the fight.. and then what? We won't be able to defend against other attacks. We'd be vulnerable and prone to attacks from the others. Blood Pack isn't the only Pack out there. Think about it, Flame.. this is the best option we have." her dark brown eyes flickered with reason and a hint of irritation, as if this has happened before.

" Oh yeah? What ab-"

" That's enough, Dancing Flame." the figure, Alpha interrupted. His silvery blue eyes looked at her. " Are you doubting my decision?"

" No! I'm just sayi-"

" Then don't propose that we attack." Foxglove interrupted, ".. If you don't doubt, then don't propose something the exact opposite.."

" Dancing Flame.. I get that we all have our different opinions. It's just that I've thought this through and decided that this is the best option for the Pack." Alpha spoke, flicking his tail. Foxglove looked away before starting to walk over to him. His silvery blue eyes flickered slightly as he turned away, ".. You're all free to go attend to whatever you need to do." Foxglove pattered after him, out of the room.

".. Interested?" Eagle's voice seemingly purred beside you. You glance at him to see his golden eyes watching the retreating figures of Alpha and Foxglove. ".. Those two are pretty close.."

".. Yeah.."

" Maybe they'll become mates in the future." a new voice mused softly. The girl that was with Foxglove earlier spoke up.

" It's a possibility." Eagle shrugged, " But unlikely."

" How do you know?" she walked over, " It's not like you are super good friends with Foxglove.. or Alpha as a matter of fact."

" It just seems un-" Eagle's sentence got cut off as some one barged into the room. Eagle's eyes flickered to the person, " Looks like he made it.." Guardian stood in the doorway, his eyes flashing with annoyance as he glared at Eagle.

" You're going to pay for that.." he growled.

" Uh oh.. come on. (Y/n)!" Eagle turns to make a grab for your hand. His feathered lion tail swayed towards you. At the same time, Guardian leaped toward you, his dark scaled wings flaring open.

Oh dear.. seems you're in quite the pickle.. Good luck with this one.. Who gets to you first?

Guardian? Page 10

Eagle? Page 11

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