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        I sigh as I walk into the library. Jayden wanted to meet me here for some reason. She's so random like this. I mean one time she dragged me from my house just to show me a random object that she found. It wasn't even that cool, just and old trunk with a few books in it. She's so weird.

Anywho, I enter the library as I spot Jayden looking around the shelves. I walk calmly over to her, ignoring the fact that I wanted to strangle her for interrupting my lazy day.

"Jayden," I sternly say as I step behind her.

Startled, she whirls around with a frightened look on her face. Seeing it was only me she takes a deep breath to steady herself.

"(y/n), why did you do that?" Jayden whines turning back to the shelves. I notice it was the fairy tale section she was looking in.

"Because you ruined my lazy day," I inform her. "I was going to stay home and watch anime."

"You mean Hetalia?"

"Yes. Now I can't."

Jayden laughs lightly as I pout.

"Gomenasai, (sorry in Japanese), (y/n), but I wanted to spend some time here at the library but I didn't want to be alone. Please just for an hour and then you can leave."

"Fine. What are you looking for anyways?"

"Oh just a fairy tale. Why don't you grab one?"

I nod and scan the shelves for something to read. Finding one that interests me, I take it off the shelf and go over to a table. Sitting down I start to read the book. As I read my eyes grow heavier and heavier. Struggling to stay awake I finally let sleep come to me as I fall asleep on the book. My thoughts go to dreamland as I think about the book I was reading.................

Snow white (hetalia Canada x reader)Where stories live. Discover now