Chapter 4

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        All heads turn towards the door as the knocks resound around the room a second time. I look at each of the faces, noticing the surprised expressions. I get up, when no one made a move, and heads towards the door.

"Were any of you expecting a visitor?" I ask as I reach the door.

"Nine," Ludwig says.

"No," several of the others agree.

Shrugging my shoulders I open the door. My eyes widen in shock. Standing in front of me was none other than the prince I saw yesterday. Matthew smiles nervously at me, but widens when he realizes it's me.

"Your safe," he breaths out.

"I-I am," I stutter out surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Y-you must be shocked to see me," he softly says glancing around nervously.

I could only nod my head, too shocked to really speak.

"When I heard what the queen tried to do, I was worried," he says growing shyer and his cheeks becoming a soft pink. "The guard, Antonio told me you ran off into the woods and I went looking for you."

I blush nervously shuffling my feet. "Is he okay? Antonio?" I ask worried about the guard's life.

"He is okay," Matthew speaks softly. "He went into hiding once the queen found out what happened."

I breath out a sigh of relief. I was worried what would happen to him once I escaped. I had been secretly hoping he had left as well or at least wasn't killed for failing to kill me.

"I-I didn't get your name," Matthew stutters out.

This time it's my turn to smile softly at him. "(y/n)," I tell him. "My name is (y/n),"

He blushes but smiles, "I am Prince Matthew, but please call me Matthew."

"It nice to finally meet you properly, Matthew."

"And you too."

Matthew looks passed me and spots the seven people watching us closely, but trying not to seem like they were eavesdropping. He smiles.

"It seems like you are well taken care of here," he comments.

I nod in agreement. "Yeah, they are very kind to let me stay here."

"I-I hope you wouldn't mind m-me coming to check up on you?" he asks a blush growing on his face as he stutters.

I smile nodding, "That would be nice. Maybe in the late morning afternoon? These guys leave around mid morning to go to work so some company would be nice then."

Matthew nods a small grin on his lips. "I will see you then."

Smiling I bid him a good night before closing the door. Turning around I notice the countries had given up trying to be discreet and where full on staring at me. I blush at their stares.

"Who-a the hell was-a that?" Lovino shouts at me.

"Um, that was Matthew," I inform them. "I meet him before I was forced to run."

"You-a like him!" Feli cheerfully exclaims as he stands up, making me blush more.

"You do!" Jayden exclaims standing up, making me glare at her.

"Leave her alone," Ludwig states making the two grinning people sit down, but not lose their knowing grins. "If she does zhat is her business, none of ours."

"Vell, he seems like a kind man," Rodrich states. "Now let's finish dinner before it gets cold."

After that surprised visit from Matthew and everyone had eaten their fill the "dwarfs" of the house (with a lot of persuading for Lovino) decided to welcome me by having I could only describe as a small party really. Everyone had an instrument they played and if they didn't then they were dancing.

Rodrich played the piano/organ, Ludwig played the accordion, Jayden played some string instrument a mandolin perhaps?, Lovino the guitar, Feli switched between dancing and messing with the percussion instruments, and Heracles played some kind of wind instrument, perhaps a clarinet?

Matthias had a fun time singing along with song. They got Ludwig to join in singing though he was very shy about it. I at first sat back enjoying the show they were putting on for me. The song was lively and upbeat, something that is fun to get up and dance to.

Feli then came up to me and offered to dance with me. Wanting to join in the fun I took his hand and danced around the room. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it a lot.

The song only ended when Jayden sneezed so hard she bumped into Feli making him crash fall down. I luckily had moved out of the way remembering how violent her sneezes can occasionally be. Everyone started laughing as Jayden and Feli got up off the ground laughing as well.

I sat back on my chair as my laughs died down. "That was fun," I tell them.

"Now you do something," Matthias told me.

"What shall I do?" I ask trying to think of what I should do.

"Tell us a story," Heracles says from his slouching stance.

"Yeah," everyone agrees. "Tell us a story."

"A true story," Matthias requests.

"A love story," Jayden pipes up grinning.

"Well," I start off trying to remember the story Snow White had told the dwarfs. "Once there was a princess."

"Was the princess you?" Rodrich asks knowingly.

"And she fell in love."

"Was it hard to do?" Jayden asks

"It was very easy," I continue. "Anyone could see that the prince was charming. The only one for me."

"Was he strong and handsome?" Rodrich questions me.

"Was he big and tall?" Italy asks innocently.

"Was it that guy who was here?" Jayden mutters more to herself than anyone.

"There's nobody like him, anywhere at all," I look off into the distance just picturing Matthew.

"Has he said he love you?" Ludwig asks glancing at me as a blush adoned his cheeks.

"Did he steal a kiss?" Matthias grins mischivously.

"He was so romantic~" I sing out. "I could not resist~"

All the countries gather around me, listening to me as I sing about Matthew. The notes were high as in most of the other songs, but they seem to come easy to me.

"Song from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs~ Some day my prince will come~ Some day we'll meet again~ And away to his castle we'll go~To be happy forever I know~"

I notice Lovino off by the organ with a grumpy look on his face. The rest of the countries, all have smiles or content looks on their faces.

"Some day when spring is here~ We'll find our love anew~ And the birds will sing~ And wedding bells will ring~ Some day when my dreams come true~"

Snow White: Reader

Prince Charming: Canada - Matthew Williams

Evil Queen: 2p! Nyo! Romania - Alina Popescu

Huntsman: Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

Doc: Austria - Roderich

Bashful: Germany - Ludwig

Sleepy: Greece - Heracles

Sneezy: Oclia - Jayden

Happy: Denmark - Matthias

Dopy: Italy - Feliciano

Grumpy: Romano - Lovino

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