Chapter 6

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The next day, I stand by the door as the countries get ready for work. They were going to the mine like they always did apparently and I was to stay here and clean and get dinner ready for when they came home. I already had a lot of dishes to do from the breakfast I cooked this morning and I plan on baking some treats for desert as well.

Roderich opens the front door, stepping outside before turning to me as I step out as well.

"Now, don'f forget," Roderich says to me. "The old queen's a sly one. Full of witchcraft. So be careful of strangers."

"Don't worry, Roderich," I say to him. "I'll be fine. See you tonight."

I kiss his cheek goodbye, stunning him a bit. He cheeks turn a bit pink before he coughs clearing his throat.

"Yes, well uh, come on, men and woman," he says as he starts to leave.

Ludwig come up to me next. "Be careful, okay? Ve don't vant anything to happen to jou."

Kissing his cheek as well, his face turning a bright pink. "Good-bye, Ludwig. And I will."

Ludwig, blushing, goes over to where Roderich is waiting.

Jayden comes skipping out to me giving me a hug. "Just watch out okay?" I nod hugging her back. Jayden giggles letting me go, skipping over to the two blushing countries.

Feli comes up to me next, smiling a closed eye smile. "Don't forget me, bella!"

"Of course not, Feli," I say as I give him a peck on the cheek.

Feli smiles dopily, hurrying off to join the other countries. I quickly peck Heracles and Matthias on the cheek after getting warnings from both to be careful. The six of them start to leave, singing their high-ho song. i wave good-bye as they go off, till I hear a coughing behind me. Turning around I see Lovino still standing behind me.

"Now I"m warning you," he says sternly. "Don't let anybody or anything in the house."

I smirk a bit, deciding to tease the tsundere Italian. "Oh, Lovi, you do care." Quickly I peck his cheek, causing him to turn red. He glares at me and angrily stomps off. As he gets away from the cottage, I see his steps slow and a small smile makes it way onto his face. When he turns his head around to look back at me, I blow him a kiss, just to tease him a bit more. He smile quickly turns into a glare and he stalks off, bumping into a tree and stumbling over some roots.

I giggle before going back into the cottage. Going to the kitchen I clean up from breakfast before getting everything ready for the baking I was planing on doing. I have decided to make various pies for each of the different countries. I'm working on a pie for Lovino when a shadow blocks the sun that was coming from the window. Looking up a see an older version of nyo Romania. Is this who the evil queen is? Nyo! Romania? Alina I think is her human name

"All alone, draga mea?" she asks chuckling. "The men and woman aren't here?

"N-no their not here," I stutter. If this is the evil queen then that means... This is too much of a coincident.

"Making pies," she continues, looking at the unbaked pie in front of me.

"Yes, it's a strawberry-rhubarb pie," I tell her.

"It's apple pies that make their mouths water. Made from apples like these," she says as she holds up a basket of apples. She pulls out a perfect red apple.

"It does look good, I suppose," I say uncertain. What am I to do? I don't want to fall into a comatose sleep! But what if she didn't poison it? What am I thinking, she probably did, but.....

"Da, but wait till you try it, draga," Alina says holding it out to me. "Want to try one? Have a bite."

Suddenly the birds start to attack Alina. She starts to yell backing away from the window and dropping all her apples. Quickly I race out, shooing away all the birds. I quickly go over to Alina as she is on the ground, quickly picking up the perfect red apple.

"I'm so sorry," you apologize, helping her stand. "I've never seen them do that before. W-why don't you come in for a drink? As an apology?"

"Da, that would be nice, draga mea," Alina says as I help her inside.

After having some tea, and a bit of an awkward conversation in my opinion, I pick up the dirty dishes setting them in the sink.

"That was a lovely cup of tea, thank you," Alina says.

"O-oh it was nothing. I just wanted to apologize for the birds," I quickly says.

"As a thank you for your kind hospitality, I will give you this," she says holding out the apple. "Please take it."

I slowly reach for the fruit, taking it in my hands. The skin is a perfect shade of red and unblemished. It looks almost too perfect. Something is really wrong with this, but I discard the thought looking at the apple again. It seems so delicious one bite couldn't hurt?

I raise the apple to my mouth taking a decent bite of it. As soon as I did and swallowed, I start to feel light headed. I feel my body sway a bit as my sight starts to darken. I feel myself fall as I slowly lose consciousness. Just as I hit the ground my world goes black.


I can't hear anything. I can't feel anything. It's just black. And cold. It's like I'm floating in nothing. Just darkness all around me. How long have I've been here? Will I always be here? Just floating in nothing but darkness. What about the others? Roderich? Ludwig? Heracles? Feli? Matthias? Lovino? Jayden? Matthew? Will I ever get to see him again?

Suddenly I feel a soft pressure on my lips. Slowly sound returns, and the feeling of resting on something soft with someone hovering above me. I could see light returning from behind my eye lids.

As the pressure leaves, I slowly open my eyes. Hovering above me was Matthew, his eyes widening as he realizes I'm awake. I smile softly at him as he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck breathing in his scent and enjoying his warmth. I could hear the seen countries cheering around us, at my awakening. Pulling back I look at my prince.

"Matthew, what happened?" I ask confused as to what happened. My mind was a bit fuzzy about what happened.

"The evil queen can't hurt you any more," he says softly. "We don't have to worry about her any more."

So.... the queen is dead.... I guess this is just like Snow White. Smiling at him I cup his face with my hand. His own cupping my cheek. Slowly I pull him into a kiss. His lips press to mine perfectly. I close my eyes, enjoying the soft and caring kiss. It was just Matthew and me.

Snow White: Reader

Prince Charming: Canada - Matthew Williams

Evil Queen: 2p! Nyo! Romania - Alina Popescu

Huntsman: Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

Doc: Austria - Roderich

Bashful: Germany - Ludwig

Sleepy: Greece - Heracles

Sneezy: Oclia - Jayden

Happy: Denmark - Matthias

Dopy: Italy - Feliciano

Grumpy: Romano - Lovino

Snow white (hetalia Canada x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin