Chapter 5

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        After I finish singing the cuckoo clock chimes. It chimes letting us know its eleven o'clock. I didn't realize it had gotten so late.

"It's late," I say standing up. "We should head up to bed"

"Hold on there men," Rodrich says.

Jayden clears her throat.

"And women. Princess will sleep in one of our beds upstairs," Rodrich informs everyone.

"Then where will that person sleep?" I ask not wanting to burden them further. They've already been so kind to me.

"Who ever it is will be comfortable down here," Rodrich tries to reassure me, but I still feel like I'm inturding more than I should.

"Why don't you then?" Lovino spits out angerly, obviously not happy with the idea of giving up his bed.

"I was thinking one of us could volunteer and then-"

"She can sleep in mine," Jayden offers kindly raising her hand.

"Really?" I ask not wanting to make her give up her bed.

"Yeah it's perfectly fine," Jayden waves it off. "I'll just bunk with someone."

"Well, pleasent dreams," I say before heading up.

The seven countries hang around down stairs as they clean up some left over messes.


time skip


After my new seven roommates had left for work, I tidied around the house. There wasn't much of a mess as yesterday thank goodness just some dishes and sweeping. I try to bide my time till Matthew would get here. He said he'd visit and my heart flutters at the thought. A smile subconsiously makes it way onto my face as sweep thinking about him. I start to hum hoping to make time go by faster.

A knock on the door brings me out of my daydreams and makes me jump. Looking over at the door, I set the broom down and head over to it.

"Who is it?" I ask as I reach the door.

"It's me," a quiet voice responds.

Smiling wider, I open the door to see my prince. His blond hair neatly brushed with his curl bouncing next to his face. Matthew wore an expensive outfit that was red with wite lining. A smile on his face, reaching his gorgeous voilet eyes. I blush realizing I was staring slightly.

"H-hi," I stutter out, trying to regain my blush.

"Hello," Matthew softly says. "Are you ready?"

I nod my head steping out of the cottage and closing the door behind me. Matthew grabs my hand gently, leading me down the pathway from the cottage. Across the bridge was a pure white horse. It has a short fuzzy maine reminding me of a certain polar bear.

"Who this?" I ask as Matthew leads me to the horse.

"Kumakichi," he says running a hand over the horse's side.

"Who are you?" it says when the horse sees Matthew. Wait that means that this horse it.....

"Kumajiro?" I ask confused.

"Huh?" Matthew blushes. "Y-yeah, Kumajiki." (IDK making up as I go along)

I giggle lightly at Matthew mistake. Matthew blushes again, but smiles lightly.

"Come on," Matthew says lifting me up onto Kuma.

He then lifts himself up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I blush at our positions, but say nothing. Matthew urges Kuma forward and into the forest. I lean back into Matthew enjoying the peaceful ride. The forest was much more peaceful in the day time rather than the night. Animals and birds could be heard around us, but it made the whole thing serene. I sigh enjoying the ride.

"Is this okay?" Matthew asks from behind me.

I nod, "Yeah. Its so peaceful and relaxing."

"This isn't everything," Matthew informs me.

"Really?" I ask turning around to see his face.

A smile was loving on his face. His eyes focused on my own. I smile back at him, excited to see what else. I turn around and lean back against him again. The rest of the ride was relaxing. I soon notice the sound of water getting closer. Matthew makes Kuma take us to a small clearing. There is a creating a pond and small river through the clearing. The water fall isn't that tall, it isn't taller than my waist when I stood next to it. I stare in awe at the cearing. Matthew slides off of Kuma easily and helps me down. He keeps his hands around me as I look at the peaceful clearing.

"Do you like it?" he asks resting his head on my shoulder.

I turn around and hugs him. "Its wonderful. How did you find it?"

"I found it when I went looking for you," Matthew tells me as he lets go, rummaging through his saddle bag. "It was night and there wasn't much light. Though there was fireflies all around making it look so pretty. I thought if I found you I'd take you to see it."

As he was talking Matthew brought out a blanket and a some food from his saddle bag. He laied tha blanket down smoothing in the shade of the trees, as it's a hot day in the sun. I smile sitting down next to him as he sets out the food in front of us. There were various fruits, but also pancakes. I giggle at that. Of course there'd be pancakes.

"Well its amazing," I tell him as he leans against the tree behind us. I pick up (f/fruit) and take a bite. the (flavor) spreads through my mouth making me hum in satisfaction. Matthew chuckles and takes a bite of his pancake.

"I'm glad you like it," he says as he finishes his first pancake. I lean back into him enjoying the relaxing feel the clearing had. It was so peaceful. No need to worry about a wicked queen coming after me, or cleaning up after seven dwarfs.

The rest of our little date was spent the two of us just relaxing and talking. We talked about anything and everything, just getting to know each other it was wonderful. Once the sun had started to set in the distance, I realize how late it was getting and how I should head back. Matthew agrees and helps me back onto Kuma. The ride back was just as peaceful, even though it was getting dark. None of the shadows or plants scared me like they did when I first ventured through the woods.

By the time we made it back to the cottage the fireflies were out and dancing above the little river. Matthew slides off of Kuma and I follow suite. He leads me to the door and pauses holding my hands. I smile softly at him. He blushes as I plant a soft kiss on his cheek before going inside the cottage, hiding my own blush. I lean back against the door, sighing happily. That was the best date ever.

Snow White: Reader

Prince Charming: Canada - Matthew Williams

Evil Queen: 2p! Nyo! Romania - Alina Popescu

Huntsman: Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

Doc: Austria - Roderich

Bashful: Germany - Ludwig

Sleepy: Greece - Heracles

Sneezy: Oclia - Jayden

Happy: Denmark - Matthias

Dopy: Italy - Feliciano

Grumpy: Romano - Lovino

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