Chapter 1

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We all stand in silence as Geyser starts his flight north. As we watch him turn into a indigo dot, and disappear, I see Aurora, Wildflower and Andrena eyes closed and speaking. I waited until they were finished, and asked, "What are you doing"? They look at each other in wonder and Andrena answers, "Praying to Clearsight silly. Don't you pray for anything"? I think about their question for a moment and conclude that the only thing that drives most dragons on Phyrra, is hope.

We wait for hours in the same spot as we had nothing better to do to pass the time. Aurora seemed to enjoy cloud watching, Wildflower was hunting down a lizard, and Andrena was content trying to "catch" my tail. I sighed several times as boredom consumed me. All of a sudden, Oakley jumps out from under my neck, and tries to untie my travel bag. I undew the bag as the little scavenger squeaked and squealed. "What did you find Oak- OOOOWWWW!" I say as a surge of pain hits my tail. I turn and frown to see Andrena biting my tail like it was a snack. Without letting go, she looks up at me and mumbles, "Sorry. I got carried away". She sets my tail free and I bring it to me rubbing the new bit marks she left.

Oakley opens the book and flips the pages slowly until it lands on a page where words began to appear. I called the girls together as the words finished writing. We looked at the pages and Wildflower spoke, "What kind of language is that, I have never seen that before"!? I dropped my jaw as I recognize that this language, is the same language that Oakley writes in. "This is Scavenger tongue, when Oak was learning to write, he found some books from an abandoned scavenger village. He learned from the books and writes in his own." I share with the trio. Oakley touched the pages of the book, and magically, the book shrank to his size.

"Wow, there is a lot of freaky magical stuff on this island." Wildflower commented. Oakley then spoke to me explaining what the book said. "Oak says, that the book says, we need an item...sorry a statue that will help reveal the secrets we wish to know." I translate to my friends. I look up and receive to pretty weird looks from the trio.

"You know to to speak in scavenger tongue?" Aurora asked with amazement. I correct her, "No the same way they do. Oakley can understand me, but not vice versa so he uses a series of hand signals to speak to me". Andrena drops her jaw in aw and says, "Cool beans...what are hands"? I giggle and tell explain the basics on scavengers that my Gran-Gran taught me.

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