Chapter 2

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After hearing the great news, Andrena and Aurora decided to find the nearest oasis, and clean up for the incoming royalty. Wildflower seemed on edge or "cautious" as she put it, because of more new and strange dragons on our way to us. Even Oakley decided to change clothes...he was quite the high class acting scavenger while he dug through his sack. I on the other claw, was eager to see Geyser, and meet the new member of the this melting pot of dragons. While everyone was frantically prepping themselves, I decided to take a walk to try and clear my thoughts. As I made my way through the sand, I thought about all that has happened in my life, and how none of it can even compare to this moment.

After about an hour of being in my head, I hear a buzzing sound above me. I look up to see Andrena hovering above me. "Hiya! Aurora said that she can see a cloud of white flying our way." The cheery dragon said. I nodded and I took to the sky, following her back to camp. I got their just in time to meet the Icewings and Geyser. The moment I landed, I bowed in the Queen's presence. She motioned for me to rise, and I obeyed.

"So enlighten me young ones, what is this prophecy you are supposedly apart of...if you tell the truth, I will release your friend and allow my Icewing to accompany you." She spoke with a cold glare. Andrena spoke really quickly, and explained the situation. After her quick explanation, almost all of us showed signs of confusion. The Queen herself paused before speaking again. "...So you see, we are supposed to save the world... again." Andrena finish with a smile.

Glacier thought about the blast of information she was given. Her face showed signs of anger and interest at the same time. After a long silence, Glacier finally spoke, "As of now...I believe you speak the truth, but if I find out that you are lying to me, I will have your heads. Show me this book that your friend spoke of". I paused for a moment to think about what she demanded, and realized that the book she referred to was being held my Oakley.

I looked down at my scavenger friend, and motioned him to show her the book. He took it out of his make shift bag, and held it open, in the air towards the Icewing Queen. Glacier squint at the tiny, scavenger, writing. Glacier peered up at me and asked, "Who thought to entrust such an old dragon artifact, to the paws of a filthy little scavenger, surrounded by...deformed dragons?" She waved her talons in the direction of Andrena, Aurora, and Wildflower. Before Wildflower could react, Aurora placed her talon on her shoulder. "With all do respect your snoortness, we are not deformed. Second of all, the book magically shrank to his size and tongue, so if you know how to read scavenger print then you can have the thing!" Wildflower blurted to the queen.

Glacier's wings bursted open shining like crystals in the light. "DO NOT SPEAK TO ME WITH SUCH A TONE! If you want to be added to my ice sculpture collection, then you will silence your tongue at once!" The enraged dragon commanded. Wildflower clearly wasn't afraid of Glacier, but I could see that she was going to play by the rules to keep us all safe. Once the green dragon backed down, Glacier gave her verdict. "This Icewing may aid you in your travel, but don't expect any more help from me or my kingdom." The icey dragon said before taking off into the sky.

After the guards and queen left, I heard a smack ring from behind me. "OW, what was that for?" Geyser asked while holding is face. I look over to Wildflower as she answered, "That was for getting captured and not telling us of the possibility! Next I would hug you to show how happy we are to see you safe...but I don't think you could handle it" Geyser chuckled as he turned to introduce the final member of the prophecy. "Everyone, this is Subzero. Subzero, this is Mire and her scavenger Oakley, Wildflower the Leafwing, Andrena the Hivewing, and Aurora the Silkwing." He pointed to everyone as he called our names.

Andrena didn't waste any time, "examining" our new friend. While the dragons of Pantala were becoming poking and questioning Subzero, I walked up to Geyser and hugged him. He was shocked for a moment, but returned the hug before his firescales intervened. "I am glad that you are save." I said in my friendly tone.

He opened his mouth to answer, when out of no where the familiar, tantalizing screams filled our ears. "THE WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION HAVE JOINED AS ONE. THE PATH TO RUIN HAS BEGUN!" A voice rang through the painful cry. The sound died off, and all of us became relieved as we removed our talons from our ears.

"What on the island was that!" Subzero questioned with a clear sign of worry. Even Andrena seemed shaken from this latest sonic attack. "It seems who or whatever is the cause of these sounds, is trying to warn us about our enemy." I said trying to rationalize the event.

Oakley began to squeak with alarm, drawing all of our attention to him. The book began to glow and drag the little scavenger towards Subzero. The Icewing's bag began to move towards Oakley as he got closer, until Subzero took the statue out. The book doubled in size, and opened while the ice sculpture floated in mid air. The light rays shot through the sculpture, and onto the book as if the sun was writing in the book. Once it was done, the trinket turned and flew to the north. "All the effort, for the statue to magically write...well that seemed like a waist of time." Wildflower said sarcastically. The book shrank back to the scavenger's paws, and he read the new page. Oakley placed the book in his sac, and began to make figures with his body for me to translate. "Oak says, that the book is speaking of a great white dragon with glowing red eyes, seeking destruction of dragon kind as we know it..." I trailed off as fear grew in my mind. I was scared to find out what our enemy is capable of, and how the terrible screams factor into our dates.

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