Chapter 9

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The only sound in the erie cave was sand falling on sand with each step of the dragon's talons or sweep of their tail. Wildflower began to groan and said, "This is going to take years to find, I can barely see my talons in front of my face, let alone a stupid necklace". Subzero the tried to lighten the mood and said, "Well at least we are not trying to find a special grain of sand". I chuckled as I was surprised he knew how to joke. "Okay Funnywing..." The green dragon said with attitude. Every dragon then returned to the task at claw. We continued to search for the necklace.

It was a long time and the torches had begun to dim. Our arms and legs were sore, and I was getting sleepy from the warm cave and the quite shadows. "I don't think it's in here guys, there are five of us searching in this cave and we haven't even seen a clue." Said Wildflower ready to get out of the musty air. "We can't give up, this necklace is important to the story, we have to find it." Aurora said. "Yeah, I agree, besides the readers have been waiting a long time to see what will happen next and I am tired of this suspense." Andrena said. All of us looked confused at eachother and Wildflower said, "Ignore her, she has this big conspiracy that their are other creatures watching and reading our lives through our eyes like they are stories in a scroll."

I found that idea unsettling but I then kicked a jewel that was laying on the ground. I watched as it flew across the cave and rolled into a crack in the wall. "Hey look at this!" I said getting everyone's attention. I began to feel the wall as everyone gathered behind me. I came across a brick that was loose and turned it clockwise. The trick stone opened another door revealing a passage. "That leads to the Queen's treasury. Every Sandwing Queen's most treasured possession." Smolder said as he spoke with his claws.

We walked into the cavern and saw different types of jewels, crowns, and amulets in small holes in the wall, as if on display. We spread out through the corridor to admire the trinkets when the cheerful buzz of dragon wings sounded. "I found it! I found it!" Buzzed Andrena hovering in the cramped air. On display was the jet black necklace and under it was the name and former owner of it. "The Obsidian Chocker created by Jerboa: confiscated by order of Queen Scorpion." Subzero read aloud. "Jerboa was put to death years ago by Queen Scorpion, she must have taken this from her home after her death." Smolder said rubbing his chin. Wildflower took the chocker and began to walk out at a fast pace. "Is it okay for us to take it?" I asked concerned. Smolder shrugged his shoulders and said, "Thorn said you could have it. I doubt she would care of past Queen's prized trinkets".

All of us made our way back to the great hall where Geyser was making glass art with his fire scales. Wildflower held up the accessory and Geyser and Oakley's face lit up with pride. "Great job everyone, I didn't think you would find it so quickly!" Geyser said with a smile. "What do you mean we were down there forever?" Subzero said confused along with the rest of us. "No you weren't, I started making the sculpture the moment you left. I have practiced turning sand into glass and I can make a small sculpture in about ten minutes..." We all looked at eachother and laughed.

"Well I guess everyone has been sitting in suspense for nothing. Sorry everyone for the wait, I guess we are just terrible at time!" Andrena yelled into empty space. Geyser looked in the direction that the Hivewing was talking to and looked back with confusion. "I will explain later" I told him as Oakley walked up and hugged my leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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