Let's Get To Know Each Other

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*Airi's POV*

So I woke up about 5 minutes ago to some loud noise coming from my backyard,

At least that's where I think it's coming from..

I've been trying to figure out what the noise could be without looking but clearly that's gotten me nowhere.

So I got up and looked through my window and the first thing I see is this giant bouncy house thing by the pool,

That's when I knew Chris was here,

Only he would do those type of weird/crazy things.

I quickly put on a shirt with some shorts and went downstairs,

As I walked past the living room and was making my way to the back door,

I saw Tray,

I believe that was his name...

"Hey" he smiled as soon as he saw me,

"Hi, umm what exactly are you guys doing outside" I said as I pointed towards the backyard,

"Ohh..Chris didn't tell you?" He said confused.

"Tell me what??" I asked even more confused.

"Aye! Tray why you taking so long!" Chris yelled as he walked inside,

As soon as he saw me he stopped and just froze,

"Oh shit" he mumbled as he looked up at me,

"Goodmorning! How'd you sleep?" He smiled,

"Chris Stop, what the hell are you guys doing by MY pool?"

"You told her???" Chris said as he looked at Tray,

"No!" Tray responded in less than a second,

"You guys were being too loud how do you not expect me to know by now?"

"Oh well we're going to be using your pool just to try something out" he smiled as he took the extension cord Tray was holding,

"Why didn't you do this at your house??" I said as I rolled my eyes,

"Because your pool is bigger than mine" he argued.

"No it's not Chris! They are the same size"

"I'll be outside if you need anything" he yelled as he ran away like a little kid.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to get something to drink,

"You're not going outside with them?" I asked Tray as he just stood there looking down at his phone,

"Not right now, I told them I didn't want to be part of that" he chuckled as he followed me to the kitchen.

"Chris can be pretty dumb sometimes" I laughed as I served myself some orange juice,

"Want some?" I asked as I looked at him.

"No I'm good" he said as he watched me.

I sat down on the stool next to him as I looked at some random papers that were just sitting there,

"Don't you get bored of work?" He asked as he watched me,

"Not really, I enjoy what I do"

"What exactly do you do?" He asked sounding curious,

"I do modeling, I started making music but I don't think I'll keep that going and I do business now that I own at least 4-5 houses"

He just looked at me surprised,

"Damn Girl you're definitely a busy woman" he chuckled,

"Yeah I guess I am, but what do you do?"

"I model for different companies which I make sure my manager takes care of that and I do music here and there" he said it like it was nothing,

"So we kind of do the same thing"

"Yeah pretty much but somehow you always look like you got more to do" he laughed,

"True, I like to handle things and know exactly what's going on with my business"

"That's smart, I should probably start doing the same" he smiled as he looked at me,

We made eye contact with each other for about a minute straight and somehow it wasn't awkward this time,

"Hey, I was wondering...do you have a boyfriend or something?" He asked as he tilted his head a little,

"No, apparently no one wants me" I joked as I looked away,

"You sure about that?" He smiled,


"I wouldn't be to positive about that if I was you" He chuckled as he grabbed my hand,

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