Something Had To Happen

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*Airi's POV*

Tray was driving for awhile until we finally made it to a really fancy restaurant,

I looked at the outside of it and took notice of every small but cute detail the restaurant had.

There was an outside area so i'm guessing for the people who would like to eat outside and enjoy the view,

I might tell Tray about that because from the looks of it, the view is really nice and they also had a big fountain in the middle which makes the place look 10x better. 

As we got off the car Tray handed the keys to some random guy as he drove off,

"You like it?" Tray asked as I continued to look around,

"It looks Boujee" I laughed as he smiled and shook his head.

"So should we eat inside or outside?" 

"Outside, it looks really nice" I smiled.

"Alright whatever my baby wants" 

He kissed me as we walked inside so they could show us our table.

After this really nice lady took us to our table we thanked her and looked at the menu,

Everything looked so good that I honestly had to idea what to get.

Tray knew exactly what he was getting so he just sat there and waited on me to choose,

"Alright I know what I want know" I said after a couple minutes,

"Let's order then" he smiled as he called the waiter over,

We ordered our food and were told it was going to take a couple minutes,

So we got our drinks and just started talking about random things.

I kind of know Tray but not on a personal level yet so that's kind of what we were both trying to figure out from each other,

"I need to use the restroom" I chuckled after Tray decided to say a dumb joke even after I told him I already had to go pee. 

"You want me to walk you over there?" 

"I'm good I won't take long" I said as I stood up,

"Be careful, you got your phone on you?" Tray said getting all protective,

"Yes, right here" 

I showed it to him than walked away.

I made my way inside then to the restroom which was at the other side of the restaurant,

I had to go down this long ass hall just to get there but once I did,

I did my business, washed my hands, fixed my hair a little bit then walked out.

"Hey, you here alone?" Some random guy asked as I walked past him.

I decided to ignore him and pretend like I didn't hear him,

"Did you not hear me talking to you?" The guy insisted as I instantly went on my phone and messaged Tray to come by the restrooms,

"I'm here with my boyfriend" I said as I looked up then looked back down at my phone and saw Tray read my message,

"I don't see him with you" 

"That's because I was just in the restroom but he's waiting for me, so I have to go" 

"Why don't you just come hang out with me"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him,

"Aye! don't touch her" I heard Tray yell as he walked towards us,

"Oh you must be the little boyfriend huh?" the guy laughed as I smelled the alcohol,

Tray walked over to us and moved his hand off me as I stood behind him,

"Let's just go" Tray said as the guy pushed him,

"Look man don't be doing that shit!" Tray yelled as he pushed him back,

"Or what?" 

All of a sudden Tray just went off on the guy and started punching him.

Eventually security walked by and kicked us out,

As we walked back to the car we were just silent,

The whole car ride was silent to say the least,

When we made it back to my house he parked the car and opened the door for me as we walked to the front door. 

I opened the door and walked in but Tray pulled me back,

"Look i'm sorry" he said as he looked at me, 

"It wasn't your fault" 

He was starring at me and I could tell he was trying to figure out if I was mad, which I was but not exactly at him,

"I'll make it up to you, i'm sorry baby" he kissed me as I just stayed silent,

"I'll see you tomorrow" 

"Why are you mad?" he asked as he walked in and closed the door,

"I'm not" I said as I crossed my arms which didn't help me prove my point at all.

"You are" 

"I'm good" 

"Just tell me what's wrong" 

"Nothing tray, i'm just tired" 

I looked at him and knew he wasn't believing anything I was saying,

"Stay with me" I said as I grabbed his hand and made him walk with me upstairs, 

"You sure?" he asked confused,


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