Second Thoughts

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*Airi's POV*

Before our lips could touch I put my hand on his chest and stopped him,

"Just let it happen, I miss being able to kiss you"

I looked at him but couldn't figure out what to say,

"Just one kiss then I'll leave" he insisted,

"I don't know"

He just leaned in and went for it,

At first I didn't kiss back then I finally gave in,

"Tray this not right" I mumbled in between the kiss,

"It's more than right"

"No I can barely remember you"

"You'll remember me after this" he whispered as he started kissing my neck,

This all felt right but wrong at the same time.

"Tray Stop this not right"

"Baby just let it happen"

I stopped him as he just looked at me,

"I can't tray"

He laid down next to me as he looked up at the ceiling,

"I can't believe I lost you, I'm so stupid"

I just closed my eyes and started feeling really tired,

"I love you" was the last thing I heard before going to sleep,



"Fuck...omg" I whined as I woke up because of a sharp pain on my back,

I noticed Tray next to me sleeping,

Guess he fell asleep here,

"OMG...uhhhh" I whined as Tray woke up,

"What's wrong mamas"

He started looking at me trying to figure out what was wrong

"Tray I can't move" I cried as my back felt frozen,

I couldn't move a muscle,

"How? What happened?"

He got up and walked to my side of the bed,

"Nothing I was just sleeping then I woke up because it was hurting"

"Ok let me see, you need to face down" he said as I looked at him like he was crazy,

"No! I can't move"

"Baby you have to"

"Stop calling me baby" I said as I turned around slowly,

"That's what you got from that?" He chuckled,

"Ok now what?"

"I'm going to pull up your shirt ok?"

"Mhmm" I said getting nervous,

"Ok I'm going to press on it and you tell me where it hurts more"

I was kind of confused as to why Tray looks like he knows what he's doing...


He started on my lower back,

He pressed on it with his palm but I didn't feel much,

He started going higher as the pain got worse.

"Ok! Stop! It hurts"

He immediately stopped,

"So it's up here" he said as he barely touched it.


"Your really tense, I'll need to massage it so the pain goes away"

"Oh hell no! Tray are you crazy! Did you not hear me say it hurts" I said as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry but it's the only way mama"


He pulled my shirt up then stopped,

"I need these off" he said referring to my shirt and bra,

"No, I need these on"

"Come on Airi you're making this process way to slow"

I could tell he was half asleep but somehow managed to still deal with my attitude,

"Ok fine hold on"

I tried taking them off but I couldn't,

"I need help" I said as I saw him turn around,

"Sit up"

I did what he said as he took off my shirt and bra like it was nothing,

"Lay back down babe"

At this point I was over it so I just listened to him as he started massaging my back.

"Ok ok chill that hurts"

"Sorry it's supposed to" he said as I rolled my eyes.

After awhile he finally finished and I actually felt way better,

"Ok you good now?" He asked as he laid back down,

"Yeah thanks" I said as I laid down and closed my eyes,

"So you just gone sleep half naked next to me huh?"

"Mhmm" I mumbled half asleep,

"You might wake up fully naked then"

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