Good Times... good times

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*Airi's POV*

I woke up with the worst headache of my life.

Honestly it couldn't get any worse,

I tried to sit up as I looked around my dark room,

I saw Tray sleeping on the couch I have in the corner of my room.

He honestly looked real comfortable, but I still don't know how he managed to sleep there or how he fell asleep here in the first place.

He started moving as I noticed I was still looking at him like a weirdo,

"fuck" he mumbled as he stretched.

I pretended to be sleeping as I heard him get up.

"I know damn well you didn't fall asleep like that, who you think you fooling?" I heard him chuckle as I couldn't help but smile,

"Damn you caught me"

"How you feeling?"

He sat down at the end of the bed and gave me all his attention.

"My head feels like it's about to fall off but other than that i'm doing fine"

He laughed as he got up and passed me some pills and a cup of water,

I'm guessing for my headache...duh Airi what else could they be for...

Tray looked at me funny then started laughing.

"What's up with you?" I asked as I put my cup down after swallowing two pills.

"You weren't keeping your thoughts in your head"

"Shit...I said all that out loud?"

"Yup but it's all good I just thought it was funny"

"mhmm anyways what exactly happened last night?"

I looked at him confused once I saw his face expression change.

"You got drunk" Was all he said as he shrugged,

"Obviously but after how did you end up sleeping in my room?"

"I was taking care of you.."

"Did I do something? be honest cause you're acting kind of weird right now"

"No no no, I just don't know what to tell you" He said as he made eye contact,

"I was wildin wasn't I?"

"yes and no"

"What? explain" I laughed.

"Well basically you...uhh, you was kind of acting different...with me"

"In what way?"

"Sexual?" he chuckled nervously.

"Oh shit.. did I try doing something to you? or with you? did we? oh no"

I started freaking out but Tray stopped me before I could keep going.

"No we didn't do anything, I mean you did want to but I figured it was just because you were drunk" He said as he got up.

I could tell something bothered him when he said that,

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Im just saying, I didn't want to take advantage of the situation so just know I didn't do anything"

I nodded,

"Thanks" I said as he looked up,

"No problem"

"Just know I would of still wanted to do something with you even if I wasn't drunk" I mumbled as I laid back down in bed.

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