No Please Not Again

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"My sister and her friends are in there please!" I cried

"Her name is Lauren Jaurgeui she has long brown hair and green eyes-" Megan cut herself off with a scream

i followed her gaze and stared in horror at the body covered in a blood stained white cloth being carried out the building by two officers.

What made Megan scream was the bloody pale white hand exposed from under the blanket.

"That's not Lauren Megan her hand is smaller. Please sir did you see our sister? She called us from this building."

"Do you have a picture?"

"Yes she's right here." I said as I quickly pulled out a picture of Lauren from when we were in Spain.

"She was taken to the nearest hospital about half an hour ago. Bullet wound."

"Where?" Megan asked quickly

"I'm not sure Miss I'm sorry but her friends are also there with her. One of them was injured, trauma to the head."

"I know this was Lauren's fucking idea. She kept on begging me to take her to washington heights when the police said they were getting there. Wolfe I can't do this anymore with her she needs professional help." Megan said as we drove to the hospital

"She's been going to group therapy and said that it's been helping."

"She barely goes I spoke to the leader. And she's been using drugs and partying as an outlet. It's not even this recent event it's her PTSD that's she's trying so so hard to hide."

"Weed isn't that big of a deal Megan." I said

"No it's not but refusing to confront your past is. Playing police officer is. I'm the oldest and i'm not going to watch our baby sister die. When we were weighing out our options I found this really good rehabilitation center in LA that will be good for her. She's going whether she likes it or not."


When we arrived at the hospital Lauren was in surgery, Dinah was talking to the police at the station and Normani was resting in a hospital room. But another officer gave us a better explanation of what was found at the crime scene.

Wolfe and I were sitting in the waiting room when Nisrina ran in followed by Sara.

"Where's Ezra?" Wolfe asked Sara

"He's with the babysitter. What happened did you see her?"

"She's in surgery but they won't tell us the details for her privacy. All we know is that the bullet got stuck."

"But who died? What happened?" Nisrina asked as she wiped her tears.

"They went to find the motherfuckers that assaulted them that night and they had guns. Two of them are dead and the others are detained. If the neighbors hadn't knocked on the door Lauren would've been raped. They said she only had her panties on." I explained

"Why?" Sara asked "Normani and Dinah were found clothed?"

"They didn't say why but my guess is that Lauren volunteered herself because Normani and Dinah are intersex. Who knows what they would've done to them. Normani was also unconscious." Wolfe said

"But why wasn't she scared? She really took her bra off in front of them?" Sara

"She would do anything for them. Anything for us you know that." I said "That's why she's going to rehab."



"I know baby I know you want Mama." I said to my daughter who was screaming in her car seat. She's long overdue her nap and wants Dinah. Ally was trying her best to calm her down.

"Ally will you stay in the car with her please? Here baby look Mami has your baba." I said as I handed her a bottle of my breastmilk from the diaper bag.

"Don't you think she'll cry more?"

"No she's going to fall asleep after all that crying. I'm only going to be five minutes and then we're going to the hospital."

"What about Dinah."

"I don't know honestly." I said before getting out the car.

Dinah lied to my face about going on a break, turned off her phone, and put herself in danger.

I nearly lost my girlfriend and the mother of our child. My daughter nearly lost her mother.

How could she be so stupid?

Our child won't be raised this way.

Our children won't be raised this way.

I swear I saw red as soon as I saw Dinah by the door.

"What the fuck Dinah!"

"Calm down-"

"No! You don't get to tell me to calm down! What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you all do something that stupid without the police?"

"It was my fault! I got out the car because-"

"You what? You approached them?"

"No I didn't they saw us."

I took a deep breath, "I can't be with you right now. Or for the next few days. You didn't think about your family when you decided to put yourself in danger. Dani and I need you. Believe me when i say that I will move Dani and I to Cuba and raise two kids by myself."

"Two?" Dinah said as she struggled to blink back tears. "Y-You're pregnant again? I thought you said the test came back negative?"

"I tried again this morning and was going to surprise you but clearly you don't care. You can have Dani tonight I'll bring her your moms house with all her stuff. But tomorrow she's mine."


I pulled Alec's leg and the fall caused him to shoot Lauren. Now I don't know where she is and I don't know if she's still alive.

My head is killing me. Not only do i have a concussion but I had to get four staples.

But all I want right now is Lauren.

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