Cyberpunk Solider x inventor reader

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I changed the request somewhat to suit my flow of idea, so rather a cyborg, I made it a solider ouo also, all names here are made up!~

  (Y/N) is the most famous inventor the world as ever known. You have made thousands of things that helped the world and more in the name of science and creation. This time though...It was different. A war between the peaceful countries of Belsworth and Meledio has started. You are on the country of Belsworth, a country known for its quickly advancing weaponry.

  You and your small team of 3 are goning make the most advanced speciman the world has ever seen. A solider who could resist bullets, toxic fumes, and swim without getting damaged. A speciman that knows that of military tatics far more than any general, and carry-out assassination better, and be able to use most any weapon with ease. Yet still be able to function, eat, drink, and think like a human being, but how are you going to achieve this feat?

The use of a dead human body of course!

  Over the past 2 years, you, your coder Macy, your military general, Erik, and your weapon designer Albert, have been working tirelessly to turn the dead body of solider, Micheal Orion Hammerstein, into the advanced soilder known to be as Enzo. As unforgiving as it is, the will of Micheal said that his body be donated to science against the words of his wife, but if it was the will, it would be the subject.

  Finally though, after 2 years of prep, blood, sweat, and a lot of failures, Enzo, was ready to test. "Let's wake him" Erik said, looking at the modded and superhuman solider in bed. With a simple command "Rise Enzo". The Solider awoke....

~~Enzo POV~~
   I awoke in a room with a one way mirror. I look at my reflection in the mirror. (Pretend he is shirtless rn)

Shaggy white hair and a scar upon my cheek, no shirt, just a pair of white pants

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Shaggy white hair and a scar upon my cheek, no shirt, just a pair of white pants. I must be in some kind of test room. No memory of whom my body once was. That is when my master shows, and she is rather gorgeous. Lovely (h/l)(h/c) hair, creamy (s/c) skin, orbs of (e/c). I for some reason felt need to touch, but I will control myself.
   "How do you feel?" She asked me in a comforting voice, I felt at ease with my master so I begun to speak "I feel well"
"All systems functioning normally?" She asked again
"No problems or ailments, I do not need medical attention" I responded
"Then, your name is Enzo. A soilder for the cause of Belsworth, after some tests, you will be sent to fight in my name" she said to me in a matter of fact tone as I listened. I felt so at ease that even the thought of fighting for her made me happy. It made my heart beat feverishly...

  After a few tests with weapon knowledge, fighting tactics, exercise, military training routines, and consuming of sustenance, I was ready to fight for my master whom I later found her name was (y/n), such a cute name for a cute master.

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