play time // t w o

232 10 16

Trigger warning!!
Violence and I guess there's some daddy kink involved

word count: 360

"P-Please...stop..." the man sobbed, as Dallon slowly cut into his thigh, carving out his initials 'D.J.W'. Brendon watched from half way up the basement steps, in amusement.

Dallon and Brendon did this often. If someone insulted either of them, especially Brendon, Dallon would hunt them down and tie them up in the basement. Or occasionally they'd just do it out of boredom.

"Come here babyboy, why don't you cut this lovely man's finger off." Dallon smirked, looking back at his little boyfriend.

"Of course, daddy" Brendon smiled, leaping up and skipping down the steps, his skirt bouncing up and down as he did.
"Which finger?" he asked innocently

"What about his ring finger? He must have been unhappily married anyway, you can tell by how it's not been looked after." Dallon stated.

"Okay!" Brendon smiled brightly, before grabbing the blade from his boyfriend and slicing the man's finger.

The man gave out a sob, wishing he was dead already.

"Fuck, get off me you little fag" he said angrily.

"What the fuck did you just say about my precious babyboy? Look at him now, all sad" Dallon growled, "All." he brought the blade closer to the man's neck, "Because." and again, "Of." the blade was now touching the man's neck, "You." By now, Dallon had cut a raggedy line through the man's throat, and he was seconds away from death.

When he knew the bastard was dead, he walked over to his little boy, and grabbed him by the hips, which made Brendon gasp.

"It's okay baby, he's gone now. Problem solved. Now how about we light a fire to get rid of him for good?" he said, smirking.

"Oo, Yayy! Can I bring my blanket out in case it's cold?" Brendon asked, happily.

"Of course, dollface." Dallon said, before carefully carrying the body into a bag, and stepping outside to get the fire started.

Sorry this is really dark lmao, I've just had the idea for a while :')
I'm not good at writing, I know, I just did this for fun ♥️

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