ma chérie // f i v e

183 3 0

Trigger warnings: none

word count: 521

Brendon didn't know what he was doing anymore. This was the only day he had planned in the whole year.

He was supposed to be marrying Sarah.

But there was one problem.
She broke up with him a month ago.
And Brendon really beat himself up over it.
Was he not good enough to her? Maybe.
Did she find another man? No, she has a girlfriend now.
Should he even feel sad about it? Sarah could have been cheating on him.
Brendon lay in bed thinking these things for hours on end. Every single day since she ended the relationship and the engagement.

Brendon would get given letters through the door each week from his friend Spencer, asking if he was doing well, seems he wasn't using his phone in case he was reminded of Sarah.

Brendon decided he should try and get over the heartbreak, and he opened his phone, and messaged Spencer.

To: Spencer

Hey Spence, I'm not doing great. But this is the first time I've left my room in a month. Apart from the times I'd go to the liquor cupboard that is. Would you like to go to the bar soon? I need a distraction from real life if I'm going to go outside.

From: Spencer

Sure Bren :)
Meet there at 1?

To: Spencer

Yeah x


Brendon quickly thew on some dress pants and a shirt, along with the first shoes he could grab. He rushed his morning routine before leaving the house at 12:55.

When he arrived at the bar, he looked round to find Spencer, who was sitting at the serving table with two beverages.

“Hey Spence” Brendon smiled sweetly.

“Hi Brendon. You look tired, have you been sleeping?” he asked his best friend, worriedly.

“Yeah, I've been sleeping well actually. Just been quite stressed and sad.” Brendon smiled.

“Well, we need to try and find you someone new. How about that guy over there? I know him from work, he's really nice and you two would get along well. His name's Dallon.” Spencer said.

“How did you know I like guys?” Brendon asked, confused.

“Brendon, it was always obvious. Remember Ryan from high school? You practically eye fucked eachother every day.” Spencer laughed.

“Well, okay then. I'll go and introduce myself to him. But make sure you invite Pete or something so you aren't alone” Brendon laughed before walking over to Dallon, who if Brendon was being completely honest, was the most attractive person he'd ever seen in his life.


“Hi, I'm Brendon” the shorter boy smiled sweetly.

“Oh, hi sweetheart, I'm Dallon.” the taller boy replied, also smiling.

The two talked to eachother for a few hours, occasionally flirting and they both knew they had an attraction to eachother.

After a while, Dallon offered to take Brendon over to his place, and Brendon accepted the offer.

As they were walking out, Brendon looked back at Spencer and Pete, and if the two men at the table were honest, they hadn't seen Brendon this genuinely happy in a long time.

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