Friend [Part 1]

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Contains spoilers to the latest chapters of I love yoo. 


"I think we discussed everything. If there are no objections, shall we continue with the contract?" Kousuke Hirahara prompted at the audience in the meeting room. The initial meeting was held to finalize the budget and the initial scope. As the director of finance at Hirahara Corporation, Kousuke had to present the calculated financial risks and benefits of the concerning project before confirming the acceptance. "Yes, we don't have any objections to your suggestions. I believe all will agree to carry out the new project in the next season, Sir." One of the board members answered, for which the blue-eyed man nodded in agreement. "So that concludes the meeting, gentlemen. I'll proceed with the initiation and keep you updated." He looked around the table at everyone before saying the final words. "Thank you everyone." the rest of the board members got up from their seats and went on their own way talking with each other. Jayce and his new assistant Shin-Ae Yoo remained where they were at the side of the room.

"Shall we go as well, sir?" Jayce asked as he watched the dark-haired man sat back down in his chair with the file folder in hand. "Let's just finish it here and go back. So that it's taken care of." He put down the folder on the table and reached for his pocket. "Huh? Where is it?" He muttered to himself as he searched through his trouser pockets and then started searching his coat as well. Ah, it must be in my drawer...

He straightened up. "Miss Yoo? Can you please go to my office and bring my seal? it's in the left side table drawer."

"Huh?" Shin-Ae was daydreaming the whole time during the meeting. She jumped from her chair when she heard her name calling. "Ah yes, I'll be right back." She adjusted her skirt and walked toward her boss's office. Wait... what drawer was it again? Shit, I can't remember! It was the right one I guess... or was it? She made her way into the office room. Well, I'll just have to check the other one if it weren't in there. She shrugged as she leaned over the table and opened the right side drawer. Inside, there was a black covered book, which looked like a large notebook and a couple of small boxes. Eh? What're those? Maybe the seal's in here. Damn, he should've told me what to look for. She opened one of the boxes and saw it's some kind of a token given to him appreciating his contribution to some leadership summit. Oh wow... he has more of these? She glanced at his award shelf again and shook her head in disbelief as she put it back inside.

"Seems like it's the other drawer." She muttered to herself. As she about to close the drawer, something that stuck out of that black book caught her eyes. "Oh, what's this? " She pulled it out. "Ha. Looks like a polaroid..." She trailed off as she realized what it was. Her crimson eyes went wide.


"Jayce, how's it going with Miss Yoo's training?" Kousuke took this chance to address the progress of his new employee while she's away. "She's catching up quickly, sir. There are some areas that need more attention. But nevertheless, she's progressing steadily."

"Ok. That's good to hear. Keep it up. We can't afford any mistakes with the new project on its way." He looked at his folder "Uh right. That reminds me. We need to inform Nol and Sang-chul as well" He got up from his seat and collected his documents. "Since Miss Yoo is taking longer, I presume she's unable to find my seal. Let's head out as well Jayce. Give the message to those two. I'll be at my office if you need anything."

"Sure, sir."

Jayce walked the other direction as the blue-eyed man walked toward the director office, wondering what's holding a certain brunette long. He opened the door and... froze.


Shin-Ae's eyes went wide as she realized what she just saw. The Polaroid was a bit old. Maybe taken around four or five years ago. It was a photo of three young guys. It didn't take long for her to realize the guy in the middle is none other than her dark-haired director. But in this photo, he looked so much different. His normally obedient hair is messy and a bit shorter than current hair, showing more of his face. He had thrown a fully unbuttoned plaid shirt over a black undershirt, which Shin-Ae found surprising considering his current style. It was taken in front of a red Ferrari. Oh, it's his car... He had put one of his hands in his jean pocket and the other was leisurely resting on the shoulder of the guy on his right, who had spiky blond hair. The photo was really natural and random. The blond guy was laughing his head off at something the guy on the left said, Shin-Ae thought since he's pointing at him. It hit her hard when she realized who that other guy is. Omg... isn't it that doctor?! They're friends??

The doctor looked young and was smirking at the camera. He had both his hands wrapped around Kousuke's shoulder, which made Shin-Ae smile. She averted her eyes back to her current boss. He doesn't look so uptight and what shocked the brunette the most was his smile... Yes... He was smiling with his teeth showing. That's something she never saw on his face before. It was even hard to imagine. But seeing this old polaroid, Shin-Ae felt her heart racing for some reason. Kousuke had one of his legs propped up on the car bumper and was leaning a bit forward as he was smiling. His eyes were focused on the blond guy. They all looked so happy in it. Wow... I never thought he had this kind of friends. He looks so lonely ever since I knew him. She stared at the three guys. I wonder where this other guy now...

Her thoughts suddenly interrupted as the office door opened and a dark-haired man stepped inside. Kousuke stared at her for a moment without moving from the door. Then his whole expression changed. Uh oh... As soon as she saw his eyebrows knitting together, she knew it's not gonna end well.

"What in the world you think you're doing?" He closed their gap in long quick strides and snatched the photo away from her hand. Shin-Ae couldn't say anything but stare at him in shock. Why he's so angry that I looked at it? It's just a photo...

"I told you not to touch anything of mine. Can't you even follow simple instructions?"

Shin-Ae felt she's getting irritated as well. But something told her that he must have a reason to be this sensitive about this. So she decided to back off. "I'm terribly sorry, Kousuke, I-"

She was interrupted midway. "It's fine, Miss Yoo." He took a deep breath and let it go closing his eyes, trying to stay calm. "You can take your leave. Your services are no longer necessary for today." He was oddly calm after that near lashing out earlier.

"Oh... okay..." Shin-Ae walked past him towards the door and looked back at him over her shoulder. A splash of worry washed over her as she saw him leaning his weight on his hands on the table. His back looked lonely. Is he alright though... She let her eyes linger for a moment before closing the door after her. I hope he will be fine...

After Shin-Ae left, Kousuke slumped on his chair behind the table. His hand was tightly clutching the polaroid. He brought his eyes down to it and slowly turned it to the right side. Thousands of memories flashed across his head as he stared at the three smiling young guys without care of the world. It captured one of the best memories, happiest memories from his past... where he shared with his cousin and... him.



This idea was floating in my mind for some time. The latest episode was fuel to it. So here you go guys! Vote and comment pls! :D

Next part will be Kousuke's past at college! Ohh what happened to his friend Yukio?

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