I want you back

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Rianna- Alex I have something to tell you...
Alex- what is it?
Rianna- Alex want you back I can't keep this shit in anymore I don't get it.
Alex- Rianna I fucking love you too and I want you back.
Rianna- Really you're playin!??
Alex- I ain't playing witchu
He kissed you and you honestly loved it.
Alex- Rianna will you be my girlfriend.
Rianna- Yeah
He grabbed your face and kissed you.
Rianna- Alex I love you
Alex- I love you more
Rianna- Not possible
Alex- So possible
He kissed you again and you layed in his arms but thought about everything that has been happening first the first time you broke up with Alex, you got raped TWICE, and that everyone you love is kind of disappearing. You wanted to grab your blade. But Alex threw it away. You just silently cried while Alex had his arms wrapped around you. You slowly drifted off to sleep.
Rianna's POV
I wake up to Alex next to me and so I get outta bed and shower then wear...

 Rianna's POVI wake up to Alex next to me and so I get outta bed and shower then wear

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Because you don't want anyone to see your arms. You go back into the room and see Alex just waking up in the moment. He gets ready for the day then you ask...
Rianna- Alex can we please go to the store I'm bored and we need stuff anyways.
Alex- Ya sure Where to?
Rianna- Does Costco still have school stuff or no?
Alex- Yeah why?
Rianna- No reason.
Alex- Ok
Rianna- Lets go
You guys go downstairs and grab your keys and drive to Costco. You guys arrive, park, get a cart and then go inside. You guys walk around getting things from here to there.
Rianna- Oh here's the school supplies.
Alex- Why do you want school supplies so bad?
Rianna- No reason
You go out in search of Sharpeners. You find them and then get 10 of them and throw them in the cart.
Alex- Why you getting so many sharpeners?
Rianna- No reason
Alex- You said that twice.
Rianna- Ok and
Alex- Nevermind
Rianna- Ok we need a screw driver too.
Alex- Why you getting these weird things?
You didn't answer and got the right screw driver you needed.
Rianna- Alight is there anything you need or want?
Alex- No nothing else.
Rianna- Ok
You pay for all the things before Alex did. Then went home. Alex helped on putting everything away. Then went to take a long nice hot shower. Which gave you enough time to do what you were gonna do with the sharpeners. You go get the screwdriver and take apart the sharpener then unscrew every single screw in all the sharpeners and then pop the blades in them right out and put them in a bowl you run upstairs and grab a box then pour them in the box. You put the lid on and then hide it. You you run downstairs just in time and throw away all the screws and plastic. Alex comes downstairs with wet hair cuz he just showered.
Alex- Hey where did all those sharpeners go?
He asked sounded hella confused.
Rianna- What oh um those I donated them to a school down the street when you took your shower.
Alex- Oh ok then why did you get a screw driver?
Rianna- You never know
Alex- I let this one slip you're lucky I love you.
Rianna- I love you too.
You guys watched some movies and then Alex started to kiss you. It turned into a make out and then he carried you upstairs not breaking the kiss. He carefully layed you down on the bed and then got on top of you. Continuing the kiss and slid his hand in your underwear.
Rianna- Owwwwww fuck Alex
Alex- Oh no did I do something wrong are you ok is it because your scared cuz of happened with Jesse.
Rianna- No it's nothing and if it was you I promise I would tell you.
Alex- Ok you good?
Rianna- Yeah
He kissed you again and then slid his hand in your underwear more carefully. Then fingered you. You tried not to scream because it hurt. You took deep breaths while Alex kissed you and fingered you. Then you bit your lip and Alex stopped kissing you. He kissed your neck and stuck in another finger. You tried not to scream so much. You couldn't hold it in anymore.
Alex- Oh shit are you ok baby there is definitely something wrong?!?
Rianna- Nothing is wrong.
Alex- Then why does it hurt.
Rianna- Nothing

Well that's the end of this chapter I know it was just a lil crazy and I promise I will update soon but I have a great ideas for another story so.

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