Chapter 20

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(Hey, ya'll! A.J here! I just wanna say that it's been a real pleasure to write you this story. You know, it'd be AWESOME to time travel to the 60's and possible pass the gang on the way. Sadly we can't... yet. I enjoyed this story as much as you had. Double sadly, this is the last chapter to Time flies and it won't be disappointing at all. Hope you like it and stay gold!)

A.J's P.O.V 

Ponyboy left for school today and Sodapop and Darry went to work so the house was silent. I hated it a whole lot. I was so bored that I ended up staring at the cover of Gone With the Wind. I was sadly debated weather to open it and read Johnny's note or leave it be. I put the book down and went into the kitchen. Glancing at the counter I noticed that the Pepsi can I took out yesterday was still there. I picked it and took a sip, but gagged when I realized it went flat. I duped the rest into the drain and opened the ice box for another one. I picked up a fresh one and drank it all steadily, trying not to spill it. When I finished, I threw it in the trash and went over to the couch and sat. I checked the clock on the wall. Only 12:31. Lunch was in secession at Pony's school right about now. Maybe I should go and find him.... No, I thought. I should wait. Yeah... the waiting process wasn't the most eventful as I thought. I sighed and found out the part in Gone With The Wind and begun to read.


Finally, I hear the door open from the bedroom Ponyboy shared with Sodapop at night. I put the thick book down on the bed sheets at stood to greet hopefully Pony. Fortunately, I was right. 

"Hi, Ponyboy." I greeted.

He smiled halfheartedly at him and swung his backpack on the floor harshly. Ponyboy looked real tired today which is understandably seeing as he just came home from school. He also looked as if he was starving a bit. I went back into the bedroom as Pony followed me. I had been eating saltine crackers while they were away so I hand him the bag, he shook his head and sat at his desk. Ponyboy brought with his a notebook and opened slowly, staring into the blank page in front of him. 

"Gotta get workin' on a paper for English." He explained.

"Oh, aright." I glanced over his shoulder. "Need help?"

Ponyboy was quiet for a moment before he looked up at me, giving me a sudden urge to kiss him. I didn't though. In case Soda comes in a catches us. So instead I held his free hand and smiled down at him.

"I might need help to start." He replied smiling back.

When I shrugged, Ponyboy suddenly got an idea and wrote it.

"How 'bout this?" he said as he scribbled words.

"When I stepped out from the darkness of the movie house, I only had two thing on my mind. Paul Newman, and a ride home...."

(To Be Continued In Time Flies Part 2: Don't Leave Me)

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