Ch. 15

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I'm finally going to start writing in Naruto speech, dattebayo and whatnot. I wanted to try but I needed to get the hang of it so I hope you like my attempt to make Naruto more Naruto. I'm so sorry for the delayed updates but I'm happy to say that I'm back and updating. If you read and see the ending, don't worry! It'll continue, no waiting around for a new book!! 😂😂. On with the story!!!!

ALSO IMPORTANT! The image above is the look Kazu, you'll read on later, will look like. Yes! He looks like Neji if he didn't you know...die. I miss Neji.

Picture Url:


The four saw over the cliff a vastness as the eye could see. In the middle of it all stood the proud grounds of the Hyūga settlement.

"Proud? More like eye obsessed creeps," Madara said with his arms crossed and a huff.

"Shush!!! I'm monologuing!!" Naruto said as he turned his attention to the Hyuga's at the entrance. They were expecting them.

"I still don't understand why you hate the Hyūgas. If anything, shouldn't you like them since you're both eye obsessed creeps." Madara snarled at the accusation, grabbing a hold of Tobirama and gave him a hefty glare.

"They are not like us. We are far superior than those copy cats!"

"You guys have the sharingan, which is basically copying others, isn't it?" Hashirama asked in an innocent tone but it went to waste with his sly grin and twinkle in his dark brown eyes.

"N-No it isn't! We learn justus not copy them just like the Sarutobi's motto "monkey see, monkey do"! Wait, that means we're monkeys! B-Back to the point! We hate them and they hate us! We hate them as much as we hated the Senjus." Hashirama then got a small gleam in his eyes as he flung his arm around the other's shoulder.

"Madara!!! Does that mean you like us Senjus now!? It's all finally coming together! Life long dream accomplished! I think I might even cry!" The Uchiha gawked and then mockingly shivered in disgust.

"Get off Hashirama. Gross." The dark haired male quickly went to his "depressed" mode as he was flung off and called gross by his best friend. Tobirama only sighed and shook his head as he followed closely behind Naruto who was monologuing.

"...The brave handsome young men walked on forward to the Hyūga settlement where possible new friendships will be born." Naruto stopped right in front of the gates where the white wearing clan stood, questioning looks on their faces. Seeing who he assumed to be the clan head in his mid 20s, made the blond think back to his time.

"Is this what Neji would have looked like if he had lived on?" Was all he thought as he saw the man with long brown hair reaching his waist surrounding a a cream colored face with familiar white eyes. His attire consisted of a white kimono-shirt with long , loose sleeves, matching pants, a dark brown apron tied around his waist and black shinobi sandals.

"Friendships?" Madara asked, more like a statement with his tone, in disgust but Hashirama used the palm of his hand to push his shoulder gently in surprise.

"He calls us handsome and that's what you get out of all this!?"

"Maybe because no one's called you handsome before, bowl-head-"

"S-Shut up!"

"-but I've been called that a million times by the females of my clan." He said proudly before looking to see how Naruto reacted to the statement. Nothing. He was too busy staring at the Hyuga in front of him. What was so good about him?

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