Ch. 18

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So. Hi. I'm a bit of a mess right now. Why, you might be asking? CUZ I JUST FINISHED BANANA FISH AND I WANT TO DIE LIKE WTF! I LOVE IT AND THE ENDING WAS DONE SO WELL BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT DOESN'T STILL HURT ME!! LIKE OKAY YOU GIVE ME THESE AMAZING CHARCTERS THAT I CLAIM AS MY OWN CHILDREN AND NOT EVEN TWO EPISDOES IN...!!! I won't say more cuz spoiling is not cool but if you haven't watched it, y'all should! It is the best 24 episodes of any anime. The relationships are either so pure, hilarious, break your heart, or all of the above. Action/Fight Scenes are better animated and choreographed than most common Fight scenes in Shōnen Animes. Animation is top tier! 20/10 would watch again!

Anyways back to this! I hope you enjoy today's chapter!!!



"So how've you been Madara?" Naruto asked as he walked next to the quiet Uchiha. He reminded him of Sasuke a bit. Just a bit though.

"Good." Maybe he was more like Sasuke than he initially thought.

"That's good! How is Izuna? Does he still look up to his older brother like he used to? How about Hashirama? Did you two learn any new justus?" If it had been any other person, Madara would have fireballed their ass. But it wasn't and he enjoyed that the blond's attention was on him.

"He's fine. He got his sharingan recently but has gotten more independent. And I have learned a few justus if you want to test them out with me?" It was an invitation but Naruto took it as a challenge. He never got the chance to pummel Madara and now he was flat out told that he could! Sure, it wasn't the same Madara but they had that same cocky face.

"Yeah! Let's do it right after we eat!" Madara snorted before giving the blond a smile, his lips tugging up ever so slightly that no one but Naruto would have noticed.

"Woah! Uchihas do smile! I knew Sasuke was holding out on me."

"I have to say, these date plans could be worse."

"W-W-W-WHAT?! DATE?" Madara chuckled lowly at the adorable reaction, the blond's face all pink and steam practically coming out of his ears. He gives him a side glance, hair falling onto his face perfectly, and smirks.

"A. Date."

"T-T-T-This isn't a date, you know," Naruto remarked as he glanced anywhere else but the Uchiha.

"Then what is it called when someone asks you out to eat?"

"I don't know! Hanging out!?"

"A hang out between two people? That sounds like a date to me-"

"It's not!!" Naruto internally cried, while the fox laughs inside.

"Get it gaki!"

"Not helping!!"

"This restaurant is supposedly the best. I'm sure they'll have-" Naruto looked up to see a familiar sign displayed by the restaurant. It was one of the many places that kicked him out when his team went to eat.

"Hell no!"

"What? Why not?!" His voice came in a slight rumble making Naruto freeze for a second before shaking it out. This was a different Madara. One who he could go toe to toe with!

"Because I don't want to!" They went into a haze of bickering at where to go (very, very loudly). Though, they felt no real anger. If anything it was rather... Fun.

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