Preparing For Travel

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Ash and Gary were talking to Professor Oak about what they where going to go. Professor Oak brought up the topic of the pokemon. "Ash, Gary what about your pokemon." Ash began to get worried as he didn't have a way to carry them all. "We don't know Gramps, Ash has a ton of pokemon. I'm sure he wants to take them all but..."Gary trailed off looking at Ash sadly.

"Well I have the prefect solution for you Ash" Oak said excitedly. Ash visibly perked up at this comment. "Really?" "Yes really!" Said Oak leaving the room motioning for them to follow.

As they walked Ash was fidgeting and Gary grabed his hand for reassurance. They walked up to a table with two watch like device's on it."Professor what are those?"Oak picked them up and said "There something i've been working on i call them the nanodex (credit to the creator, I don't know them) it allows you to care all your pokemon in a compact manner, all pokedex entries available, as well as have a map of every region making it perfect for travel. "Wow that so cool!" Said Ash with stars in his eyes. "Great job Gramps but why haven't you put it on the market yet"said Gary "I'm afraid of what could be done with it, as you could hold all your pokemon in here, you could have an army on your wrist"said Oak. "So your afraid that it could cause choas." "precisely that why im intrusting you two with them" Oak said with a stern look. "Are you sure about this" said Ash a bit worried "Yes I trust only you two with this tech, so can I trust you two to keep them safe."Oak said handing over the nanodex's.

The one he gave Ash was Blue and black with white features. Gary's nanodex was green and purple with black features. "We will not let you down"Ash said smiling while Gary nods.

"Okay both of you lets get your pokemon so you can be on your way." Said Oak happily. As they were walking to the field they could hear there pokemon and others playing happily.

As they stepped into the field there pokemon noticed them and started to head over. "Hey guys!" Said Ash as most of his pokemon topple him. "Hey what's up!" Gary said as his pool of pokemon was smaller, due to the fact he didn't constantly catch pokemon, just research them.

"So guys we're going on a trip who want to tag along." Gary said in happy go lucky tone of voice. Almost instantly they perked up (some louder than other) and started to get get excited. "Alright I guess that's everyone." Said Gary promptly.

Professor oak soon taught them how to use the device as they started to put all there pokemon into the apartment like space excluding Pikachu and Umbreon. "We won't be able to go back to your house, so I guess you will have to buy new clothes as we travel." Said Gary softly smiling at Ash.

"That's no problem we are going to be traveling alot so i would need new clothes anyways." Ash said " It doesn't matter as long as i get to spend quality time with you" Ash said face redder that a beat. Gary smirked "Thats right all the time you need" Gary said kissing Ash's cheek. Pikachu and Umbreon sharing a hapoy look for there best friends.

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