Thank you for the support so far

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This story was started over a year and a half ago when I had no real prior engagements of any kind and was a way to pass the time. I wanted to have some representation for one of the ships I loved and appreciated and I got to do that. I'm very glad with the support that this has garnered since then but I personally can no longer write this story. I had the entire thing planned but due to the fact of growing work and plans I have to give up on this endeavor. I'm not putting this story up for adoption for the reason that I'm not sure how someone else would handle or write it. I've seen what adoptions end with and it's usually just discontinuation anyways. So this book is at this point you can say discontinued. Although I love writing it I no longer ave the time to like I did in middle school or really the time to even use Wattpad as a platform. I hope everyone understands this and I hope that everyone is well off. If it makes it any better the plot of the story was leading to ash and Gary meeting arceus and giratina, who would have explained the situation that would be the main plot point. This would have included a lot of past characters as well as a kind of convoluted system on the way legendary Pokémon work in succession which is why I had to be very careful with my words up to till this point. Although I would love to try and complete this story I'm out of time and out of practice. So I hope that everyone is alright and this doesn't put a damper on anyone's moods. I'm sure there are more great writers waiting to be discovered by you all. So for one last time I hope you all have a wonderful day and a fantastic lifetime
~Micheal Ota

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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Rise From Betrayal-Pokémon fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now