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"You look lonely," Just as I was about to look up and tell Vincent to fuck off, I realised that it wasn't Vincent talking to me. I looked carefully at the boy sitting in front of me, a smile on his face, shaggy blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. He was tanned and he definitely pulled off the surfer look. He was wearing a white muscle shirt and blue shorts and he was standing next to me at the bar.

I'd been ignoring Vincent all day since storming out of the arcade but I was starting to get bored so I thought I'd entertain myself at the bar. I was starting to think I left my friend making skills in America, but my luck was changing. "Little bit," I smiled back at him.

"You're too pretty to be sitting all on your lonesome at a bar." He chuckled. "What are you drinking?" He asked as he sat down beside me on the stool.

"Tequila Sunrise," I told him and help up the almost empty glass that I'd been nursing for half an hour.

The mysterious surfer boy nodded to the bartender and then turned back to me. "I'm Toby," He said and held out his hand.

"Isla," I smiled back at him and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Isla." He grinned. "What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked curiously as the bartender set two glasses in front of us. Toby pulled the lanyard from his neck and the bartender scanned it. It was basically a preloaded credit for the cruise ship, you could load everything on to it so you didn't have to bring cash.

"The person I'm vacationing with is a dick." I smiled brightly at my new friend with the shaggy blonde hair and he laughed loudly.

"I guess your travel buddy doesn't know how good he's got it, travelling with a pretty girl like you." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Kind of the opposite actually, I think he's realised and I don't like it."

"Ooh, trouble in paradise." He snickered. "Tell me what's on your mind and then I'll tell you what I think."

"We ran away together, ok that sounds worse than it is, or maybe it's not as bad as it actually is, but we ran away from our families." I started to explain but how could anyone who hadn't known us our entire life know what we were both going through. I was still having trouble processing the things that had happened since we got on the boat. I mean something had changed and I had only just realised that it shouldn't have. Toby looked at me weirdly and tilted his head to the side. "We hate each other, we've literally hated each other our entire life and now that we're on the other side of the world he's being nice and he won't stop touching me. It's irritating." I tried to explain as best I could without delving in to the whole arranged marriage thing.

"Sounds like he's just noticed that you're a babe." He chuckled. "Come on, finish your drink and let's go dancing." I cocked an eyebrow at him but I'd already had three drinks so the logical reasons of why you don't go wondering around a cruise ship with strangers went in one ear and out the other. I skulled the rest of my drink and stood up and waited for Toby to finish his too. He offered me his hand, which I took and we went to find the night club.

It wasn't very late so there was still a band playing Salsa music when we arrived. I grinned as Toby pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and we started to dance. I wasn't a very good dancer but I couldn't even think about it when the alcohol started to cloud my mind. My hips moved with the music and my arms snaked themselves around his neck. It felt nice that the attention I was receiving wasn't from Vincent. In fact it felt more than nice as Toby moved his hands from my waist down to my hips and he pulled me closer to him.

As the night progressed we spent hours dancing to the salsa music, it was so much fun to just let my hair down and by the time we decided we couldn't dance anymore it was well after midnight and I'd flung my heels over my shoulder as he walked me back to my room. "I had fun, thanks Toby." I said softly as we stopped outside of my room.

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