Chapter 10

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A/N: So Bill's ready for his plan with Dipper, what do you think will happen?


In a candle lit room, a golden eye with blue speckles read across the pages of the worn book, he now wore a black button up shirt with a yellow tailcoat with a brick like pattern. He had black slacks, dress shoes, and his eye patch; his blond hair was brushed back to its original style with bangs sweeping over his patched eye, although there was an added feature, the light blue streaks in his hair.

'This is what I wanted...'

He moved the book out from in front of his face and looked at what laid before him, in the middle of the floor was a drawn circle with demon tongued writing rounding the inside, three candles stood on the outside in a triangle formation, and a crescent shaped moon in the center of the drawing. The windows' curtains were drawn closed, but the candles in the room illumined something that laid on top of the summoning circle. Curled up in the center was a young brunet boy with aqua stars tattooed around his closed eyes, he only wore an oversized white top with slightly baggy pants, and no shoes.

Sighing, Bill stepped closer to circle with the book opened in his hands, "This is all for you Stardust..."

He slowly began to circle the drawn picture that held the smaller male, he began chanting words from the book in demonic tongue, the candle lights flickered and a breeze filled the room that had no source; but Bill didn't waver, he kept going, spouting the mantra from the book over and over. The wind picked up speed, causing Bill's now multicolored hair to tousle, but in the corner of his visible eye he saw a pale blue light surround the boy in the circle, gently lifting him a few feet off the ground, a slight look of discomfort made its way across the brunet's features.

'This was the only reason I kept him...'

Bill's voice grew louder as the wind roared in the room, he kept going, his clothes blew harshly in the wind as he dug his heals into the wooden floor to stay in place. He watched as the floating teen began to squirm, the blue light flickered into a pale pink, then back to blue, and back to pink once again. Pale lids snapped open revealing nothing but white, as a scream tore through his throat, Bill winced at the sound that barely broke through the wind, but regardless he continued, only to stop when the pink light seemed to melt into the teen's body. The wind stopped, and the candles went out when the body fell back onto the floor.

The blond dream demon rushed over to the fallen body, dropping the book, he kneeled down by the body as he looked over the unconscious face, he lifted their head into his lap, his golden eye widen at what happened next. Starting from the roots, the brown hair turned into an inky black, white speckles then faded, scattered through the inky locks, and light faded blotches of pink and blue also faded through, giving it a galactic space look. The already pale skin turned more pale, almost white, allowing the aqua stars to be more prominent. "Stardust...?"

Very pale eyelids twitched slightly before they opened, revealing pale pink iris. They glanced around the room before looking up, only to meet a tanned dream demon's face with a golden eye with blue specks. They slowly reached their arm up and their fingertips touched the demon's face, a small smile spread across their face, their voice was soft, but wasn't exactly male or female, "Hello my love."

A laugh escaped the demon as his eye began to mist, "You're back, you're really back. I missed you, so much."

He pulled the dark haired being up their back on his chest, pulling them closer to him. A small laugh left pale lips as they adjusted themselves into Bill's lap, "I missed you too."

They sat on the floor for what felt like hours, Bill's arms wrapped around their waist as he held them close, his nose buried in their dark colored hair. The pale figure's fingers lightly tracing Bill's face, "Bill, as much as I love being in your arms, why don't we go and do something fun?"

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