Chapter 17

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Hey guys! It's the final chapter! I hope you enjoy!


Cheers rang through the open summer sky as graduation caps were tossed in the air. Young adults were surrounded by their ecstatic families, congratulating on how proud they were of them, and how they knew they could.

Among the crowd was a twenty-one year old women, she had long brown hair and bright chestnut eyes that glittered in the sunlight as her parents and great uncles hugged her, and her friends continued to cheer, they were all so happy for the young brunette getting her degree and already having a good job lined up after. They couldn't be any prouder of Mabel Pines.

Not far off from the group, a young brunet man stood, he wore an old beat up blue and white baseball cap with a Pine Tree stitched in the front, his curly brown hair reached the nap of his neck and covered his forehead, and he had a light beard, but not a mustache. He wore a red flannel top with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark blue jeans, and black work boots. His pale fingers twirled around the cord around his neck, fiddling with the charms on the necklace.

His chestnut eyes watched over the group, but he paid more attention to the woman in the center of it all. He gave a small, but prideful smile at how far his twin has come, "Mabel!"

The young man turned and watched as a pretty blonde woman wormed her way through the crowd of people, her crystal blue eyes set on the brunette woman. "Pacifica, you made it!"

Mabel tore herself away from the group and ran up to the blonde woman, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug, which the other gladly returned. The two pulled away, still holding each other, "I thought your flight was delayed?"

"It was, but you should know that money can always get me a better flight, besides I didn't want your special guest to have third class treatment."

Just then a squeal could be heard. The two turned and saw a big potbelly pig waddle its way through the crowd of people. Causing the brunette woman to squeal in delight, "Waddles!"

Mabel dove down onto the ground and wrapped her arms around the pink pig and gave him a tight squeeze. "I've missed you so much!"

She then turned her blinding smile towards the blonde, "Thank you, Pacifica!"

Said blonde smiled and kneeled down next to the other, "It's no problem, besides I wouldn't be the best girlfriend if I didn't provide a surprise on her graduation day."

Mabel's smile widen as she wrapped her arms around the blonde again, "You really are the best girlfriend ever!"

Pacifica smiled, only for her lips to be covered by Mabel's, which she gladly returned the kiss. After a moment the two pulled apart, stood, and turned to face the group of friends and family that watched their reunion. The two women's eyes met as they let out a laugh, one being louder than the other, and joined the group of people before them, the potbelly pig following close behind.

Dipper gave a light chuckle at the sight before him, he continued to smile at the crowd of those he knew. He barely paid attention as the massive crowd of people began to thin, but he watched as the group began to gather up and talk about dinner plans, right about to leave the scene with an orange setting sun in the sky. He then let out a sigh as he watched as they turned their backs and began to walk away, Mabel and Pacifica hand in hand.

The brunet crossed his arms, only to feel a pair wrap around his shoulders, knowing who it was he leaned back against the body and rested his head on their shoulder, "Ready to come back Pine Tree?" The person behind him asked.

"Just a moment longer?"

"That's fine." Bill responded, leaning his head on top of Dipper's head. His visible golden eye watched as the Pines family walked away, he felt his heart clench, knowing that it must of hurt the one he loved to see. He's offered many times to return their memories, and let him go back for actual visits, but the brunet always refused, saying that it was better off this way.

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